
The Six Pillars of Braze Alloys: Data Augmentation

Published on January 13, 2020/Last edited on January 13, 2020/2 min read

The Six Pillars of Braze Alloys: Data Augmentation
Mary Kearl

When they're not trying to one-up the other's burger, some rival fast food rivals enjoy competing in the marketing arena as well. One tactic that recently became part of the mix: Leveraging location data. In an interesting and successful campaign that helped Burger King reach the #1 spot in the Apple App Store and earn more than 1 million app downloads, the chain launched the "Whopper Detour." For a limited time, the company offered 1 cent Whoppers to app users who ordered within 600 feet of competing McDonald's locations.

While this is a pretty splashy example, tapping into location data is just one way brands can use data augmentation. Data augmentation is, in a nutshell, a way of adding value to internal, first-party data sources by supplementing them with information from other sources, such as third-party location and weather services. The end effect can be enriching brand experiences and messaging campaigns.

Behind the Scenes: What Data Augmentation Makes Possible

Personalized communications. Location-relevant updates. Audience segmentation based on real-time behavior. All of these are known to help brands humanize their communications and improve customer engagement. And all of these approaches can be optimized through data augmentation solutions such as:

  • Contextual Location Platforms, like AccuWeather, Factual, Radar, Neura, and Foursquare
  • Recommendation Engines, like Certona and LiftIgniter

An Insider Look at Marketing and Customer Cngagement Strategies Powered by Data Augmentation

How Ibotta uses rich location data to improve personalization:

“Partnership with Braze and Radar has empowered our team to send personalized offers at the exact point of purchase,” said Maddie Groves, Associate Marketing Director, Communications at the cashback rewards platform, Ibotta. “By meeting our users where they physically are, Ibotta is able to help make every purchase rewarding.”

Next Steps

Thanks to our partnerships with trusted allies, our Braze Alloys hub offers technology solutions for improving personalization through recommendations, contextually relevant experiences based on hyper-specific location information, behavior-based segmentation, and more.

To learn more, check out the data augmentation offerings we support.

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