
Intelligent Delivery Assures High Engagement Through Personalized Message Timing

Published on November 13, 2014/Last edited on November 13, 2014/2 min read

Intelligent Delivery Assures High Engagement Through Personalized Message Timing
Mark Ghermezian

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Similar to questioning the noise a tree makes when it falls in empty woods, if you send a message and no one is there to read it…was it worth sending? Whether you’re hoping to inspire a purchase, an upgrade, contest participation etc., no doubt one of the main reasons you communicate with your users is to encourage a desired response. If they don’t receive the message, well, you can’t quite expect your users to be mind readers and act how you’d like them to.

With Appboy’s new Intelligent Delivery, we solve this issue by determining the optimal time to reach out to each of your users. Thanks to our unique algorithm based on previous interactions, on a per user basis we’re able to accurately deliver push notifications, email and in-app messages at the peak of potential engagement. By trusting our data scientists with the timing, your marketing team no longer needs to fret about when the right time to reach your users is. They save valuable time, and can take heart in knowing that even with a single data point, Intelligent Delivery can more accurately predict the moment of ideal responsiveness than a marketer with a strong intuition.

When it comes to mobile, there’s no shortage of noise. Most apps are aggressive in sending push notifications alone, and whether you have 100K or 50MM MAUs, if you don’t send the right message at the right time, you risk being considered spam. Attention spans are finite, and users are only going to read and open a certain number of messages. To ensure your campaigns are the most effective they can be, Appboy’s Intelligent Delivery will deliver each form of outreach at the exact time they are most willing and likely to engage with your brand.

We are extremely proud to announce this exciting feature to our customers, and are thrilled that even in its infancy, Intelligent Delivery is making a difference. After a few weeks of using it, we’re pleased to share Urban Outfitters has had over a 100% increase on their overall open rates.

If you want to experience equal triumphs or would like more information about how to use the feature, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].

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