
One (Fictional) Marketer’s Journey: It’s Time for Another Canvas Test

Published on May 09, 2020/Last edited on May 09, 2020/2 min read

One (Fictional) Marketer’s Journey: It’s Time for Another Canvas Test
Ashley Christiano
Principal Customer Marketing Manager, Global SMB at Braze

Jenny just realized that maybe the solution to many of her questions is to test things out in Canvas. After feeling overwhelmed by all of Steve’s ideas and his tendency to toss around words like “revenue” and “circulation” and “buzzy,” she researched for ideas to articulate why more isn’t necessarily better.

She uncovered this lifesaving article about the optimal send frequency for different verticals. With that in hand, she chatted with Steve and her marketing colleagues to brainstorm some new ideas and ways to test out different frequencies and cadences in Canvas. She made sure each campaign had a real goal, other than “wouldn’t it be cool if,” and a real benchmark for assessing the campaign’s success.

With that framework in place, she built out these new ideas in Braze and shared a calendar with the team for when the new pushes were anticipated to go live. Just to be safe, she created two segments: one to track app uninstalls over time, and another to track the percent of push notification opt-ins, too. Now she can see directionally if her campaigns are having a negative impact instead of a positive one at a higher level, as opposed to just the campaign-to-campaign results.

While this is all exciting, it also makes her nervous! Jenny’s crossing her fingers that the new campaigns make both her readers AND Steve happy.

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