Be Absolutely Engaging.™
Content Cards
Embed a targeted, dynamic stream of rich content directly to your app or on your website without interrupting the customer experience

Enhance the customer experience seamlessly
Build this customizable channel directly into your app or website for a seamless experience that exists within your brand's platform, as opposed to on top of it. It's even proven to lift engagement rates across other channels when used as a central content feed.
Daily active user engagement for GrindrUse Content Cards to share rich content at key moments
- Onboard new customers
- Showcase new content
- Deliver promotions

A card for every customer
Share thoughtful, unobtrusive content that customers can engage with at their own speed.

Flexible delivery
Deliver every card at the right time with a variety of scheduling options from action-based triggers to regularly scheduled programming.

Create a personalized experience
Make every card count with personalized messaging based on each customer's real-time profile, preference, and real-world context.

Track your impact
Track the impact of this emerging channel against your brand’s goals with key metrics like the number of cards sent, total and unique impressions, clicks and dismissals, unique recipients, conversions, and revenue generated.