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The Entertainer Gains Valuable Insights With In-App Message Surveys from Braze

ProductIn-App Messages
The Entertainer Gains Valuable Insights With In-App Message Surveys from Braze


Increase in conversions

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The Entertainer is a 2-for-1 and discount app that helps over 3 million global members experience more and pay less, thanks to great offers at restaurants, bars, spas, and other attractions via an annual subscription.

For an app with so many customers and different offerings, The Entertainer is always looking for quality feedback to better reduce churn, understand why some users don’t renew at the end of their subscription term, and why discount and coupon redemptions patterns have changed across different markets, especially as it relates to in-person events in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

So when The Entertainer wanted to improve their customer feedback surveys to be faster and more efficient, and to ensure that they were reaching their customers in the right place at the right time, they turned to Braze.

Creating Better Surveys via In-App Messages

Prior to Braze, The Entertainer used a different platform to send customer surveys via email, which required three weeks of development time before a survey could be sent. Since most of their subscriber activity occurs within the app, many of their users would ignore survey emails entirely. Even when surveys were resent to those users—about six weeks after the initial campaign—there was still no guarantee they would respond.

The team at The Entertainer understood that many of their sales and new customer acquisitions still occurred via email, so they didn’t want to entirely remove the channel from their communications mix. Instead, they wanted to improve upon what they knew worked in addition to adding a touchpoint where they could reach users who were already engaged in the app.

That’s when The Entertainer looked to Braze to bring surveys directly into their app via in-app messaging (IAM)/ This approach offered much faster delivery and easily customized templating, and allowed them to marry the valuable insights they gained about customers through email, app behavior, and first-party data to better understand what their users want.

Fast Segmentation, Solved

The Entertainer’s team began by creating a campaign in Braze centered on Simple Survey IAMs, which are flexible, short surveys that can be deployed in record time to collect zero-party data directly from customers. In The Entertainer’s case, the surveys were triggered when people redeemed discounts, were most active on the app, used the app successfully, or took advantage of money-saving offers. Simple Surveys benefit both sides: Customers can submit feedback quickly and directly as part of the app experience, and brands like The Entertainer can easily segment their audiences and update user profiles in real time with customer responses right within Braze.

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The surveys ultimately yielded a better understanding of their platform’s product quality and merchant mix. They also helped the team at The Entertainer to ideate faster and decide which merchants and attractions to feature in the app, as well as what kind of offers and communications to serve to different customer segments.

With Braze, we were able to better understand our user’s pain points, and then solve them. The ability to easily and quickly create campaigns tailored to our needs has been invaluable, both to us and to our users.

The Entertainer Results

Since adding Braze Simple Survey IAMs to their messaging mix, The Entertainer has been able to understand their audience better and answer some important questions about their behaviors and experiences within their app. After the first four months of collecting Net Promoter Scores, they were able to validate assumptions about their lower-performing markets and action on improvements, addressing potential churn before it occurs. The insight they gained around why people have yet to make a purchase enabled the creation of bespoke campaigns that addressed main customer concerns—24% of users who shared their reasons for not purchasing went on to make a purchase after receiving the resulting campaigns.

They’ve also gained deeper access to zero-party customer data, and a layer of insight they could not normally glean from sending out mass communications. By receiving additional customer profile information from the surveys, such as marital and parental status, The Entertainer was able to better segment communications and target people with more relevant deals. These campaigns achieve a 15% increase in conversions over more generic ones.

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Final Thoughts

Zero-party data, like the responses from a simple, in-app survey, can be invaluable for brands seeking to better understand their customers and fill the gaps they may encounter while building personalized user journeys. With Simple Survey IAMsfrom Braze, The Entertainer can now ask quick and meaningful questions to take the temperature of customers’ experiences and better tailor discounts, deals and attractions to the interests of those customers.

Want to learn more about customer data and how it can bring your brand and customers closer? Check out our exclusive guide to balancing privacy and personalization in today’s fast-moving marketing landscape.

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