Personalized, dynamic email experiences for every customer.

Send the right email at the right time with unified data, 360° user profiles, action-triggered segmentation, and drag-and- drop email creation.

Personalized, dynamic email experiences for every customer.
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Trusted by top brands

Today’s top global brands are sending tens of billions of messages per month to over 3 billion monthly active users (MAU) with Braze.


Make the most of your email program

Optimize your email campaigns for maximum impact with our robust personalization tools like Intelligent Timing and Braze Canvas.

Get your audience right

Stop worrying about outdated lists and user preferences. Get precise, real-time data directly in Braze with live audience segmentation and always send on your customers’ preferred channels with Intelligent Channel selection.

a phone screen shows a message from flash & thread

Create better emails quickly

Easily build triggered, lifecycle, and automated cross-channel journeys with Braze Canvas, our no-code journey orchestration tool.

a screenshot of a set up messages page

Leverage smart send times

Always know when to send with our Intelligent Timing send-time optimization feature.

Built to scale as you grow

Deliver rich, dynamic, and contextual content. Leverage smart send times

Take advantage of live customer profiles, campaign interaction data, and intuitive composition tools to enrich messages and make one-to-one and one-to-many personalization effortless.

Built to scale as you grow

Test to optimize

Easily test subject lines, content, send times, and target audiences to determine the best performing options. Then, use our AI tools to select and serve the winning variants and continuously optimize your email program for success.

Built to scale as you grow

Make inboxes interactive.

Engage customers with personalized, interactive content they can act on without leaving their inboxes thanks to Braze support for Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) for email.

a phone screen shows a message from flash & thread

Drive engagement and boost ROI

Email remains one of the most effective marketing channels, boasting an ROI as high as 42:1.


Emails sent by Braze customers around the globe in FY23


Emails sent over Black Friday to Cyber Monday in 2022


Higher unique click rates over industry benchmarks using Braze

Babylon Health is drives +20% user engagement with AMP for email with Braze

The Challenge:

Babylon, a health tech company that provides patients with virtual consultations with doctors, was looking for an innovative way to promote its Healthcheck feature.

a phone with a babylon app on it
How the Braze platform enhanced the campaign:

AMP for Email allows brands to send rich, dynamic content that lets users interact right within their desktop or mobile inbox. It may well be the biggest thing to happen to email since its creation.
Always at the forefront of technology, Babylon decided to use these new capabilities to drive stronger engagement in their app. The health tech company saw an opportunity to better showcase its health insights with the interactivity of AMP for Email. By leveraging Braze and ActionRocket, Babylon deployed an engaging, one-of-a-kind campaign that drove users to complete their free Healthcheck.

The Strategy:

Using AMP for Email, they brought their interactive Healthcheck experience straight to the inbox, with clear calls to action that drove users to find out more with the in-app quiz.
To execute the campaign, Babylon leveraged Braze Alloy solutions partner ActionRocket to develop the best possible interactive experience across all email scenarios.

The Results:

The creative and careful approach paid off—the interactive AMP and CSS emails combined got 56% more click-throughs than the non-interactive emails. They also drove a 20% increase in people completing Healthcheck for the duration of the campaign.

"The design process was interesting as thinking interaction-first forces you to think much more visually than normal because you are trying to make the interactive elements front and center. Over time I can see this type of design becoming a specialism in its own right. We’re certainly going to be experimenting more with interactive emails over the next year."

Catherine Allen
Associate Director of CRM,
Babylon Heath

Babylon Heath

What customers say about Braze

"With Braze, we’re able to better serve the global design community quickly and at scale. The capabilities of the platform enables our flexible and creative messaging strategy, enabling us to evolve with our diverse set of users."

Emily Stewart
Head of CRM and Messaging

"Throughout an unpredictable 2020, Braze has continued to be our mainstay for the execution of our marketing emails and mobile notifications. Most notably Braze helped us bolster our efforts for Grubhub’s Taste of 2020 Year in Review through personalized emails to millions of diners and helped push our campaign to new heights. We’re grateful for their work and look forward to working with the Braze team in the future."

Jessica Burns
Vice President of Brand Marketing and Creative

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