Email sign-up with double opt-in
Use the email sign-up with double opt-in template to expand your reach with verified email sign-ups. Target new users to capture their email, confirm their subscription, and receive a promotion code, all in one seamless journey.
This article will walk you through a use case for the Email sign-up with double opt-in template, which is designed for the consideration stage of the user lifecycle. When you’re finished, you’ll have created a Canvas that sends emails and in-app messages to users when they start a session or when they haven’t completed their onboarding.
To successfully use this template, you’ll need the following:
- A multi-page in-app message with one page to capture your users’ emails and another to communicate a success message.
- A confirmation email for users to verify their email address.
- A welcome email with an exclusive promotion code for users who double opt-in.
Tailoring the template to your needs
Let’s say we’re working for Steppington, a health app known for its features such as calorie tracking, digital exercise classes, and flash-mob marathons. Before creating the Canvas, we set up multi-page in-app and in-browser messages that includes a series of engaging questions to determine the experience and impression of a user’s first ride with the app.
To access the template, when creating a new Canvas, select Use a Canvas template > Braze templates. Then, next to Email sign-up with double opt-in, select Apply Template. Now, we can go through the template to fit it for our needs.
Step 1: Set up the details
Let’s adjust the Canvas details to reflect our goal.
- Select Edit next to the template name.
- Update the Canvas name to specify that the Canvas is for targeting new users when they first use the app.
- Update the description to explain that this Canvas contains personalized messaging for users to double opt-in.
- Add the tag Email so that we can filter for it on the Canvas home page.
Step 2: Assign conversion events
Next, let’s assign our conversion events. Conversion events are a type of metric that can be used to measure the success of the Canvas. For Conversion event type, select Performs Custom Event. Then, select email_opt_in for the Custom event name.
We’ll keep the template’s conversion deadline of three days because we want to target our most recent users.
Step 3: Tailor the entry schedule
Let’s keep the entry schedule as Action-Based so that users will enter our Canvas when they start a session in the app. This way, we can begin to build our relationship with timely engagement.
We’ll also keep the Action Based Options as is so that users only enter the Canvas when they start a session.
For the Entry Window, we’ll update the Started Time (Required) to our desired date and time.
Step 4: Select the target audience
We’ll define our target audience as Steppington users who don’t have an email address in their user profile. We’ll do this by keeping the template’s default segmentation filter Email Available is false
Step 5: Select your send settings
We’ll keep the default subscription settings, so we only send to users who have subscribed or opted into receiving messages or notifications, and skip the other settings (frequency capping, quiet hours, and seed groups).
Step 6: Customize your Canvas
Now, we’ll build our Canvas by customizing the channels and content that will send to users. Because we’re focusing on verifying our email sign-ups, we don’t need to add or remove any of the template’s Canvas steps and channels.
- Select the first Message step named Email Sign-up. This is where we’ll update the template to use our multi-page in-app (and in-browser) message.
- Page 1 will capture the emails.
- Page 2 will display a confirmation message.
- From here, we’ll keep the Subscribed Action Path step as is. This step splits our users into two groups in a one-day window:
- Users who have subscribed to Steppington with their email
- Users who haven’t subscribed to Steppington with their email
- Next, replace the email body with our branded confirmation email for the Verify Email Message step. This will send an email to our subscribed users and prompt them to confirm their email address and opt-in to our messaging.
- Keep the Confirm Subscription Action Path step as is. This step further splits our users into those who have confirmed their email and those who have not with a one-week window.
- Lastly, update the Welcome + Discount Message step with our confirmation email that includes an exclusive promotion code.
Step 7: Test and launch your Canvas
After testing and reviewing our Canvas to make sure it works as expected, we’ll launch it by selecting Launch Canvas.
Check out our Pre and post-launch checklist for things to consider before and after you launch a Canvas.