Allows you to filter based on whether your users have opted-in to ad tracking. Ad tracking relates to the IDFA or "identifier for advertisers" assigned to all iOS devices by Apple, which can be set by SDKs. This identifier allows advertisers to track users and serve them targeted ads.
Segmentation Filters
The Braze SDK provides you with a powerful arsenal of filters to segment and target your users based off of specific features and attributes. You can search or narrow these filters by filter category.
To learn about the different custom attribute data types you can use to segment users, view Custom attribute data types.
Segments your users by their birthday, as they indicated from within your app.
Users with a birthday on the 29th of February will be included in segments including March 1.
To target December or January birthdays, only insert filter logic within the 12-month span of the year you're targeting. In other words, do not insert logic that looks back to the previous calendar year's December or forward to the next year's January. For example, to target December birthdays, you can filter for "on December 31", "before December 31", or "after November 30".
Clicked Alias in Any Campaign or Canvas Step
Filter your users by whether they clicked a specific alias in any campaign or Canvas. This only applies to email messages.
If multiple users share the same email address:
- When the email is opened or clicked, all other users with that same email address also have their profiles updated.
- If the original user changes their email address after the message is sent and before the open or click, the open or click gets applied to all remaining users with that email address instead of the original user.
Filter your users by whether they clicked a specific alias in a specific campaign. This only applies to email messages.
If multiple users share the same email address:
- When the email is opened or clicked, all other users with that same email address also have their profiles updated.
- If the original user changes their email address after the message is sent and before the open or click, the open or click gets applied to all remaining users with that email address instead of the original user.
Filter your users by whether they clicked a specific alias in a specific Canvas. This only applies to email messages.
If multiple users share the same email address:
- When the email is opened or clicked, all other users with that same email address also have their profiles updated.
- If the original user changes their email address after the message is sent and before the open or click, the open or click gets applied to all remaining users with that email address instead of the original user.
Filter by interaction with a specific campaign. For email messaging, the open event includes both machine opens and non-machine opens.
For email, this also includes the option to filter by "opened any email (machine opens)" and "opened any email (other opens)". If multiple users share the same email address:
- When the email is opened or clicked, all other users with that same email address also have their profiles updated.
- If the original user changes their email address after the message is sent and before the open or click, the open or click gets applied to all remaining users with that email address instead of the original user.
For SMS, an interaction is defined as:
- The user last sent a reply SMS matching a given keyword category. This is attributed to the most recent campaign received by all users with this phone number. The campaign must have been received in the last four hours.
- The user last selected any shortened link in an SMS message that has user click tracking turned on, from a given campaign.
Clicked/Opened Campaign or Canvas With Tag
Filter by interaction with a specific campaign that has a specific tag. For email messaging, the open event includes both machine opens and non-machine opens.
For email, this includes the option to filter by "opened any email (machine opens)" and "opened any email (other opens)". If multiple users share the same email address:
- When the email is opened or clicked, all other users with that same email address also have their profiles updated.
- If the original user changes their email address after the message is sent and before the open or click, the open or click gets applied to all remaining users with that email address instead of the original user.
For SMS, an interaction is defined as:
- The user last sent a reply SMS matching a given keyword category. This is attributed to the most recent campaign received by all users with this phone number. The campaign must have been received in the last four hours.
- When the user last selected any shortened link in an SMS message that has user click tracking turned on, from a given campaign or Canvas step with tag.
Filter by interaction with a specific Canvas component. For email messaging, the open event includes both machine opens and non-machine opens.
For email, this includes the option to filter by "opened any email (machine opens)" and "opened any email (other opens)".
For SMS, an interaction is defined as:
- The user last sent a reply SMS matching a given keyword category. This is attributed to the most recent campaign received by all users with this phone number. The campaign must have been received in the last four hours.
- The user last selected any shortened link in an SMS message that has user click tracking turned on, from a given Canvas step.
Allows you to designate your campaign recipients by individual email addresses for testing. This can also be used to send transactional emails to all your users (including unsubscribed) using the "Email Address is not Blank" specifier within the filter, so that you can maximize delivery of emails regardless of opt-in status.
This filter only checks if user profiles have an email address, whereas the Email Available filter checks for additional criteria.
Segments your users by whether they have a valid email address, and if they are subscribed or opted-in to email. This filter checks for three criteria: if the user is unsubscribed from emails, if Braze has received a hard bounce, and if the email was marked as spam. If any of these criteria are met, or if an email doesn't doesn't exist for a user, the user will not be included.
Note that if you send a transactional message, users whose "Email Available" is false
won't be included in the audience calculation but could still receive a message. However, the audience calculation will include only subscribed or opted-in users.
For emails where the opt-in status is important, we suggest using the "Email Available" filter instead of the Email Address filter; the additional criteria can help you target users who truly want to see your messages.
Segments your users by whether or not they have entered a variation path of a specific Canvas. This filter evaluates all users.
For example, if you filter for users who have not entered a Canvas variation control group, you will receive all users who are not in the control group regardless if they entered the Canvas.
The segment of your users that have a particular feature flag currently enabled.
Segments by whether or not a user has ever installed your app. This will include users who currently have your app installed and those that have uninstalled in the past. This generally requires users to open the app (start a session) to be included in this filter. However, there are some exceptions, such as if a user was imported into Braze and manually associated with your app.
Segments your users by whether or not they were in the control group for a specific Canvas. This filter only evaluates users who have entered the Canvas.
For example, if you filter for users who are not in the control group for a Canvas, you will receive all users who entered the Canvas but are not in the control group.
Segments your users by the last time they have clicked or opened one of your messaging channels (Content Card, email, in-app, SMS, push, WhatsApp). For email messaging, the open event includes both machine opens and non-machine opens. (24-hour period)
For emails, this is when an email request is sent to the email service provider (regardless if it actually gets delivered). This also includes the option to filter by "opened any email (machine opens)" and "opened any email (other opens)". When multiple users share the same email address:
- On the initial send, only the specific targeted user's profile is updated.
- When the email is delivered, or if the user then opens the email or a link in the email, all users sharing that email address will appear to have received the message.
For SMS, this is when the user last selected any shortened link in a message that has user click tracking turned on.
Time zone:
Company's Time Zone
Segments your users by determining the last message that was received. (24-hour period)
For Content Cards and in-app messages, this is when a user last logged an impression, not when the card or in-app message was last sent.
For push and webhooks, this is when any message was sent to the user.
For WhatsApp, this is when the last message API request was sent to WhatsApp, not when the message was delivered to the user's device.
For emails, this is when an email request is sent to the email service provider (regardless if it actually gets delivered). When multiple users share the same email address:
- On the initial send, only the specific targeted user's profile is updated.
- When the email is delivered, or if the user then opens the email or a link in the email, all users sharing that email address will appear to have received the message.
For SMS, this is when the last message was delivered to the SMS provider. This doesn't guarantee that the message was delivered to the user's device.
Last Received Message Less than 1 Day ago = less than 24 hours ago
Time zone:
Company's Time Zone
Segments your users by whether or not they have reported their locations. In order to use this filter, your app needs to have location tracking integrated.
Segments your users by the locale information from the most recently used device.
Attributes that are the properties of custom attributes.
When filtering a nested time custom attribute, you can choose to filter based on "Day of Year" or "Time". "Day of Year" will check only the month and day for comparison. "Time" will compare the full timestamp, including the year.
Segments your users by the E.164 formatted phone number field.
When a phone number is sent to Braze, Braze tries to coerce it into the e.164 format that is used to send across SMS and WhatsApp channels. The coercion process can fail if the number isn't formatted properly, which results in the user profile having an unformatted phone number but not a sending phone number. This segment filter returns users by their e.164 formatted phone number (when available).
Use cases:
- Use this filter to understand the most accurate target audience size when sending SMS or WhatsApp messages.
- Use regular expressions (regex) with this filter to segment by phone numbers with a specific country code.
- Use this filter to segment users by phone numbers that failed the e.164 coercion process.
Segments your users who have provisional push authorization or are enabled for foreground push. Specifically, this count includes:
1. iOS users who are provisionally authorized for push.
2. Users who explicitly activated push notifications for any of the apps in your workspace. For these users, this count includes only foreground push.
Push Enabled does not include users who have unsubscribed.
After segmenting with this filter, you will be able to see a breakdown of who is in that segment for Android, iOS, and web in the bottom panel, called Reachable Users.
Segments your users by their subscription status for push.
Segments your users by which variant of a multivariate campaign they have received.
For Content Cards and in-app messages, this is when a user logs an impression, not when the card or in-app message is sent.
For push and webhooks, this is when the message is sent to the user.
For WhatsApp, this is when the last message API request is sent to WhatsApp, not when the message is delivered to the user's device.
For emails, this is when an email request is sent to the email service provider (regardless if it actually gets delivered). When multiple users share the same email address:
- On the initial send, only the specific targeted user's profile is updated.
- When the email is delivered, or if the user then opens the email or a link in the email, all users sharing that email address will appear to have received the message.
For SMS, this is when the last message was delivered to the SMS provider. This doesn't guarantee that the message was delivered to the user's device.
Received Message from Campaign
Segments your users by whether or not they have received a specific campaign.
For Content Cards and in-app messages, this is when a user logs an impression, not when the card or in-app message is sent.
For push and webhooks, this is when the message is sent to the user.
For WhatsApp, this is when the last message API request is sent to WhatsApp, not when the message is delivered to the user's device.
For emails, this is when an email request is sent to the email service provider (regardless if it actually gets delivered). When multiple users share the same email address:
- On the initial send, only the specific targeted user's profile is updated.
- When the email is delivered, or if the user then opens the email or a link in the email, all users sharing that email address will appear to have received the message.
For SMS, this is when the last message was delivered to the SMS provider. This doesn't guarantee that the message was delivered to the user's device.
Received Message from Campaign or Canvas with Tag
Segments your users by whether or not they have received a specific campaign or Canvas with a specific tag.
For Content Cards and in-app messages, this is when a user logs an impression, not when the card or in-app message is sent.
For push and webhooks, this is when the message is sent to the user.
For WhatsApp, this is when the last message API request is sent to WhatsApp, not when the message is delivered to the user's device.
For emails, this is when an email request is sent to the email service provider (regardless if it actually gets delivered). When multiple users share the same email address:
- On the initial send, only the specific targeted user's profile is updated.
- When the email is delivered, or if the user then opens the email or a link in the email, all users sharing that email address will appear to have received the message.
For SMS, this is when the last message was delivered to the SMS provider. This doesn't guarantee that the message was delivered to the user's device.
Received Message from Canvas Step
Segments your users by whether or not they have received a specific Canvas component.
For Content Cards and in-app messages, this is when a user logs an impression, not when the card or in-app message is sent.
For push and webhooks, this is when the message is sent to the user.
For WhatsApp, this is when the last message API request is sent to WhatsApp, not when the message is delivered to the user's device.
For emails, this is when an email request is sent to the email service provider (regardless if it actually gets delivered). When multiple users share the same email address:
- On the initial send, only the specific targeted user's profile is updated.
- When the email is delivered, or if the user then opens the email or a link in the email, all users sharing that email address will appear to have received the message.
For SMS, this is when the last message was delivered to the SMS provider. This doesn't guarantee that the message was delivered to the user's device.
Allows you to filter based on segment membership anywhere that filters are used (such as segments, campaigns, and others) and target multiple different segments within one campaign.
Note that segments already using this filter cannot be further included or nested into other segments because this may create a cycle where Segment A includes Segment B, which then tries to include Segment A again. If that happened, the segment would keep referencing itself, making it impossible to calculate who actually belongs in it. Also, nesting segments like this adds complexity and can slow things down. Instead, recreate the segment you're trying to include using the same filters.
Segment your users by whether they soft bounced X times in Y days. Segment filters can only look back 30 days, but you can look back further with Segment Extensions.
This filter operates differently than a soft bounce event in Currents. The Soft Bounced segment filter counts a soft bounce if there was no successful delivery during the 72 hour retry period. In Currents, every unsuccessful retry is sent as a soft bounce event.
Determines whether or not a user has performed a specially recorded event between 0 and 50 times in the last specified number of calendar days between 1 and 30. (Calendar Day = 1 calendar day will look at 24-48 hours of user history)
Learn more about X-in-Y behavior here.
Abandoned Cart exactly 0 times in the last 1 calendar day
Time zone:
UTC - To account for all time zones, 1 calendar day will look at 24-48 hours of user history, depending on the time the segment is evaluated; for 2 calendar days, will look at 48-72 hours of user history, and so on.
X Custom Event Property In Y Days
Determines whether or not a user has performed a specially recorded event in relation to a specific property between 0 and 50 times in the last specified number of calendar days between 1 and 30. (Calendar Day = 1 calendar day will look at 24-48 hours of user history)
Learn more about X-in-Y behavior here.
Added to Favorites w/ property "event_name" exactly 0 times in the last 1 calendar day
Time zone:
UTC - To account for all time zones, 1 calendar day will look at 24-48 hours of user history, depending on the time the segment is evaluated; for 2 calendar days, will look at 48-72 hours of user history, and so on.
Segments your users by the amount of money that they have spent in your app in the last specified number of calendar days between 1 and 30. This amount will only include the sum of the last 50 purchases.
Learn more about X-in-Y behavior here.
Segments your users by the number of times a purchase was made in relation to a certain purchase property in the last specified number of calendar days between 1 and 30.
Learn more about X-in-Y behavior here.
Segments your users by the number of times (between 0 and 50) they have made a purchase in the last specified number of calendar days between 1 and 30.
Learn more about X-in-Y behavior here.
Segments your users by the number of sessions (between 0 and 50) they have had in your app in the last specified number of calendar days between 1 and 30.
Learn more about X-in-Y behavior here.