Report metrics glossary
These are terms you'll find in your reports in your Braze account. Search for the metrics you need or filter by channel. This glossary does not necessarily include metrics you might see in Currents or other downloaded reports outside of your Braze account.
AMP Clicks
AMP Clicks is the total number of clicks in your AMP HTML email, cumulative of the HTML, plaintext, and AMP HTML versions of the email.
AMP Opens
AMP Opens is the total count for opens in your AMP HTML email and AMP HTML versions of the email.
Audience is the percentage of users who received a particular message. This number is received from Braze.
Calculation: (Number of Recipients in Variant) / (Unique Recipients)
Bounces is the total number of messages that were unsuccessfully delivered to the intended recipients.
This could occur because there isn’t a valid push token, the user unsubscribed after the campaign was launched, or the email address is inaccurate or deactivated.
An email bounce for customers using SendGrid consists of hard bounces, spam (spam_report_drops
), and emails sent to invalid addresses (invalid_emails
For email, Bounce % or Bounce Rate is the percentage of messages that were unsuccessfully sent or designated as “returned” or “not received” from send services used or not received by the intended emailable users.
These users have been automatically unsubscribed from all future push notifications.
Calculation:- Bounces: Count
- Bounce % or Bounce Rate %: (Bounces) / (Sends)
Body Click
Push Story Notifications record a Body Click when the notification is clicked. It will not be recorded when a message is expanded, or for action button clicks.
Calculation: (Body Clicks) / (Impressions)
Body Clicks
Body Clicks occur when a user clicks on a message that doesn’t have buttons (Button 1, Button 2) and was created with the traditional editor, and when a message created with the HTML editor or drag-and-drop editor uses brazeBridge.logClick()
with no arguments.
For more details, refer to the SDK changelogs for iOS and Android.
Calculation: (Body Clicks) / (Impressions)
Button 1 Clicks
Button 1 Clicks is the total number of clicks on Button 1 of the message.
Calculation: (Button 1 Clicks) / (Impressions)
Button 2 Clicks
Button 2 Clicks is the total number of clicks on Button 2 of the message.
Calculation: (Button 2 Clicks) / (Impressions)
Campaign analytics
The performance of the message across various channels. The metrics shown depend on the selected messaging channel, and whether the Feature Flag experiment is a multivariate test.
Choices Submitted
Choices Submitted is the total number of choices selected when the user clicks the submit button on the survey question page of a simple survey.
Click-to-Open Rate
Click-to-Open Rate is the percentage of delivered emails that have been opened by a single user or machine at least once, and is only available in the Report Builder.
Calculation: (Unique Clicks) / (Unique Opens) (for Email)
Confirmed Deliveries
Confirmed Deliveries are when the carrier has confirmed the message was delivered to the target phone number.
As a Braze customer, deliveries are charged toward your SMS allotment.
Calculation:- Confirmed Deliveries: Count
- Confirmed Delivery Rate: (Confirmed Deliveries) / (Sends)
Confidence is the percentage of confidence that a certain variant of a message is outperforming the control group.
Confirmation Page Button
Confirmation Page Button is the total clicks on the call to action button on the confirmation page of a simple survey.
Confirmation Page Dismissals
Confirmation Page Dismissals is the total clicks on the close (x) button on the confirmation page of a simple survey.
Conversions (B, C, D)
Conversions (B, C, D) are additional conversion events added after the primary conversion event. This is the number of times a defined event occurred after interacting with or viewing a received message from a Braze campaign.
This defined event is determined by you when building the campaign. For email, push, and webhooks, we start tracking conversions after the initial send. For Content Cards, this count begins when they view a Content Card for the first time.
In-app messages
For in-app messages, a conversion is counted if the user has received and viewed the in-app message campaign, and subsequently performs the specific conversion event within the defined conversion window, regardless of whether they clicked on the message or not.
Conversions are attributed to the most recently received message. If re-eligibility is enabled, the conversion will be assigned to the latest in-app message received, provided that it occurs within the defined conversion window. However, if the in-app message has already been assigned a conversion, then the new conversion cannot be logged for that specific message. This means that each in-app message delivery is associated with only one conversion.
Total Conversions
Total Conversions is the total number of times a user completes a specific conversion event after viewing an in-app message campaign.
When a user views an in-app message campaign only once, only one conversion is counted, even if they perform the conversion event multiple times later on. However, if re-eligibility is turned on and the user sees the in-app message campaign multiple times, Total Conversions can increase once for each time the user logs an impression for a new instance of the in-app message campaign.
For example, if a user triggers an in-app message twice and converts after each in-app message impression (resulting in two conversions), then Total Conversions will increase by two. However, if there was only one in-app message impression followed by two conversion events, only one conversion will be logged, and Total Conversions will increase by one.
Close Message
Close Message is the total number of clicks on the close button of the message. This only exists for in-app messages created in the drag-and-drop editor, not the traditional editor.
Conversion Rate
Conversion Rate is the percentage of times a defined event occurred compared to all recipients of a message. This defined event is determined when you build the campaign.
In-app messages
The metric of total daily Unique Impressions is used to calculate the Conversion Rate for in-app messages.
Impressions for in-app messages can only be counted once per day. On the other hand, the number of times a user completes a desired action (a “conversion”) can increase within a 24-hour period. While conversions can happen more than once per day, impressions cannot. Therefore, if a user completes a conversion multiple times within a day, the Conversion Rate can increase accordingly, but impressions will only be counted once.
Calculation:- In-App Messages: (Primary Conversions) / (Unique Impressions)
- Other Channels: (Primary Conversions) / (Unique Recipients)
Conversion Window
Conversion Window is the number of days after receiving the message during which user actions are tracked and attributed to a conversion event. Conversions that occur after this window are not attributed to the conversion event.
Deliveries is the total number of message requests that are accepted by the receiving server. This doesn’t mean the message was delivered to a device, only that the message was accepted by the server.
For emails, Deliveries is the total number of messages (Sends) successfully sent to and received by emailable parties.
Calculation:- Deliveries: Count
- Deliveries %: (Sends - Bounces) / (Sends)
Delivery Failures
Delivery Failures are when the SMS couldn’t be sent because of queues overflowing (sending SMS at a rate higher than your long or short codes can handle).
Reach out to Braze Support for assistance in understanding the reasons for delivery failures.
Calculation: (Sends) - (Sends to Carrier)
Failed Delivery Rate
The Failed Delivery Rate is the percentage of sends that failed because the message could not be sent. This can happen for various reasons, including queue overflows, account suspensions, and media errors in the case of MMS.
Reach out to Braze Support for assistance in understanding the reasons for delivery failures.
Calculation: (Delivery Failures) / (Sends)
Direct Opens
Direct Opens is the total number of users who opened your app or website by directly pressing the notification.
Calculation: (Direct Opens) / (Deliveries)
Emailable is the total number of users who have an email address on record and have explicitly opted in or subscribed.
Calculation: Count
Errors is the number of errors returned by webhook events (incremented during the sending process).
Errors are included in the Sends count but are not included in the Unique Recipients count.
Estimated Real Opens
Estimated Real Opens is an estimate of how many unique opens there would be if machine opens did not exist, and is the result of a proprietary Braze statistical model.
Failures are when the WhatsApp message couldn’t send because the internet service provider returned a hard bounce. A hard bounce signifies a permanent deliverability failure.
Failures are included in the Sends count but not in the Deliveries count.</td>
Calculation (Failure Rate): (Failures) / (Sends)
Feature flag experiment performance
Performance metrics for the message in a Feature Flag experiment. The specific metrics shown will vary depending on the messaging channel, and whether or not the experiment was a multivariate test.
Hard Bounce
A Hard Bounce is when an email fails to deliver to the recipient due to a permanent delivery error. A hard bounce might occur because the domain name doesn’t exist or because the recipient is unknown.
When this occurs, Braze marks the email address as invalid but does not update the user’s subscription status. If an email receives a hard bounce, we will stop any future requests to this email address.
Help is when a user replied to your message with a HELP keyword and was dispatched a HELP auto-response.
A user reply is measured anytime a user sends an inbound message within four hours of receiving your message.
Influenced Opens
Influenced Opens is the total number (and percentage) of users who opened the app after the push notification was sent, without directly opening the push.
Calculation: (Influenced Opens) / (Deliveries)
Lifetime Revenue
Lifetime Revenue is the total PurchaseEvents
price value (in USD) received since inception.
Lifetime Value Per User
Lifetime Value Per User is the Lifetime revenue divided by your total Users (located on your home page).
Average Daily Revenue
Average Daily Revenue is the average of the sum of the campaign and Canvas revenue for a given day.
Daily Purchases
Daily Purchases is the average of the total unique PurchaseEvents
over the time period.
Daily Revenue Per User
Daily Revenue Per User is the average daily revenue per daily active user.
Machine Opens
Machine Opens includes the proportion of “opens” that are affected by Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) for iOS 15. For example, if a user opens an email using the Mail app on an Apple device, this will be logged as a Machine Opens.
This metric is tracked starting November 11, 2021 for SendGrid and December 2, 2021 for SparkPost.
Opens are instances including both Direct Opens and Influenced Opens in which the Braze SDK has determined, using a proprietary algorithm, that a push notification has caused a user to open the app.
Opt-Out is when a user replied to your message with an opt-out keyword and was unsubscribed from your SMS program.
A user reply is measured anytime a user sends an inbound message within four hours of receiving your message.
Other Opens
Other Opens includes emails that haven’t been identified as Machine Opens. For example, when a user opens an email on another platform (such as Gmail app on a phone, Gmail on desktop browser), this will be logged as an Other Opens.
Note that a user can also open an email (such as the open counts toward Other Opens) before a Machine Opens count is logged. If a user opens an email once (or more) after a machine open event from a non-Apple Mail inbox, then the amount of times that the user opens the email is calculated toward Other Opens and only once toward Unique Opens.
Pending Retry
Pending Retry is the number of requests that were temporarily rejected, by the receiving server, but still attempted for re-delivery by the email service provider (ESP). The ESP will retry delivery until a timeout period is reached (typically after 72 hours).
Primary Conversions (A) or Primary Conversion Event
Primary Conversions (A) or Primary Conversion Event is the number of times a defined event occurred after interacting with or viewing a received message from a Braze campaign. This defined event is determined by you when building the campaign.
For email, push, and webhooks, we start tracking conversions after the initial send. For Content Cards and in-app messages, this count begins when they view a Content Card or message for the first time.
Calculation:- Primary Conversions (A) or Primary Conversion Event: Count
- Primary Conversions (A) % or Primary Conversion Event Rate: (Primary Conversions) / (Unique Recipients)
Reads is when the user reads the WhatsApp message. The user’s read receipts must be “On” for Braze to track reads.
Read Rate
Read Rate is the percentage of sends that resulted in a read. This is only given for users who have read receipts turned on.
Calculation: (Reads with read receipts) / (Sends)
Received is defined differently per channel, and can be when users view the message, users perform a defined trigger action, or the message is sent to the message provider.
- Content Cards: Received when users view the card in the app.
- Push: Received when messages are sent from the Braze server to the push provider.
- Email: Received when messages are sent from the Braze server to the email service provider.
- SMS/MMS: “Delivered” after the SMS provider receives confirmation from the upstream carrier and destination device.
- In-app message: Received at the time of display based on the trigger action defined.
- WhatsApp: Received at the time of display based on the trigger action defined.
Rejections are when the SMS has been rejected by the carrier. This can happen for several reasons, including carrier content filtering, availability of the destination device, the phone number is no longer in service, and similar.
As a Braze customer, rejections are charged toward your SMS allotment.
Calculation:- Rejections: Count
- Rejection Rate: (Rejections) / (Sends)
Revenue is the total revenue in dollars from campaign recipients within the set primary conversion window.
Sent is every time a campaign or Canvas step has been launched or triggered, and an SMS has been sent from Braze. It’s possible that the SMS didn’t reach a user’s device due to errors.
Calculation: Count
Sends is the total number of messages sent in a campaign. After launching a scheduled campaign, this metric will include all messages sent, regardless of whether they have been sent out yet due to rate limiting. This doesn’t mean the message was received or delivered to a device, only that the message was sent.
This metric is provided by Braze. Note that upon launching a scheduled campaign, this metric will include all messages sent, regardless of whether they have been sent out yet due to rate limiting.
For Content Cards, this metric is calculated differently depending on what you selected for Card creation:
- At launch or step entry: The number of cards created and available to be seen. This doesn’t count whether the users viewed the card.
- At first impression: The number of cards displayed to users.
Calculation: Count
Messages Sent
Messages Sent is the total number of messages sent in a campaign. After launching a scheduled campaign, this metric will include all messages sent, regardless of whether they have been sent out yet due to rate limiting. This doesn’t mean the message was received or delivered to a device, only that the message was sent.
This metric is provided by Braze. Note that upon launching a scheduled campaign, this metric will include all messages sent, regardless of whether they have been sent out yet due to rate limiting.
For Content Cards, this metric is calculated differently depending on what you selected for Card creation:
- At launch or step entry: The number of cards created and available to be seen. This doesn’t count whether the users viewed the card.
- At first impression: The number of cards displayed to users.
Calculation: Count
Sends to Carrier
Sends to Carrier is deprecated, but will continue to be supported for users that already have it. It’s the sum of Confirmed Deliveries, Rejections, and Sends where delivery or rejection wasn’t confirmed by the carrier. This includes instances where carriers don’t provide delivery or rejected confirmation, as some carriers don’t provide this confirmation or can’t do so at the time of send.
Calculation:- Sends to Carrier: Count
- Sends to Carrier Rate: (Sends to Carrier) / (Sends)
Soft Bounce
A Soft Bounce is when an email fails to deliver to the recipient due to a temporary delivery error, even though the recipient’s email address is valid. A soft bounce might occur because the recipient’s inbox is full, the server was down, or the message was too large for the recipient’s inbox.
If an email receives a soft bounce, we will usually retry within 72 hours, but the number of retry attempts varies from receiver to receiver.
While soft bounces aren’t tracked in your campaign analytics, you can monitor the soft bounces in the Message Activity Log or exclude these users from your sending with the Soft Bounced segment filter. In the Message Activity Log, you can also see the reason for the soft bounces and understand possible discrepancies between the “sends” and “deliveries” for your email campaigns.
Spam is the total number of emails delivered that were marked as “spam” by the recipient. While Braze doesn’t change the subscription state of these users, these users will be automatically excluded in future emails, unless you’re sending a transactional email, which is configured to “send to all users including unsubscribe”.
Calculation:- Spam: Count
- Spam % or Spam Rate %: (Marked as Spam) / (Sends)
Survey Page Dismissals
Survey Page Dismissals is the total clicks on the close (x) button on the survey question page of a simple survey.
Survey Submissions
Survey Submissions is the total clicks on the submit button of a simple survey.
Total Clicks
Total Clicks is the number of unique recipients who clicked on a link in the delivered email.
For LINE, this is tracked after a minimum threshold of 20 messages per day has been reached. AMP emails include clicks recorded in both HTML and plaintext versions. This number may be artificially inflated by anti-spam tools.
Calculation:- Email: (Total Clicks) / (Deliveries)
- Content Cards: (Total Clicks) / (Total Impressions)
- SMS: (Click Opens) / (Deliveries)
Total Dismissals
Total Dismissals is the number of times Content Cards from a campaign have been dismissed.
If a user receives two different cards from the same campaign and dismisses both, this count will increase by two. Re-eligibility allows you to increment Total Dismissals once every time a user receives a card; each card is a different message.
Calculation:- Total Dismissals: Count
- Total Dismissal Rate: Total Dismissals / Total Impressions
Total Impressions
Total Impressions is the number of times the message has been loaded and appears on a user’s screen, regardless of prior interaction (for example, if a user is shown a message twice, they will be counted twice).
This number is a sum of the number of impression events that Braze receives from the SDKs. For Content Cards, this is the total count of impressions logged for a given Content Card. This can increment multiple times for the same user.
For in-app messages, if there are multiple devices and re-eligibility is off, the user should only see the in-app message once. Even if the user uses multiple devices, they will only see it on the first device that is targeted. This assumes that the profile has consolidated devices and a user has one user ID that they are logged into across devices. If re-eligibility is on an impression is logged for every time that user sees the in-app message.
Calculation: Count
Total Opens
Total Opens is the total number of messages that were opened.
For LINE, this is tracked after a minimum threshold of 20 messages per day has been reached. For AMP emails, this is the total opens for the HTML and plaintext versions.
Calculation:- Email: (Opens) / (Deliveries)
- Web push: (Direct Opens) / (Deliveries)
- iOS, Android, and Kindle push: (Unique Opens) / (Deliveries)
Total Revenue
Total Revenue is the total revenue in dollars from campaign recipients within the set primary conversion window.
This metric is only available on Campaign Comparison Reports through the Report Builder
Unique Clicks
Unique Clicks is the distinct number of recipients who have clicked a link within a message at least once and is measured by dispatch_id.
This includes clicks on Braze-provided unsubscribe links. This is tracked over a seven-day period for email. For LINE, this is tracked after a minimum threshold of 20 messages per day has been reached.
Calculation:- Unique Clicks: Count
- Content Cards Unique Clicks % or Unique Clicks Rate: (Unique Clicks) / (Unique Impressions)
- Email Unique Clicks % or Unique Clicks Rate: (Unique Clicks) / (Deliveries)
Unique Dismissals
Unique Dismissals is the number of unique recipients who dismissed a Content Card from a campaign. A user dismissing a Content Card from a campaign multiple times represents one unique dismissal.
Calculation: (Unique Dismissals) / (Unique Impressions)
Unique Impressions
Unique Impressions is the total number of users who received and viewed a given message in a day.
For in-app messages, unique impressions can be incremented again after 24 hours if re-eligibility is on and a user performs the trigger action. If re-eligibilty is on, Unique Impressions = Unique Recipients.
For Content Cards, the count should not increment the second time a user views a card.
Calculation: Count
Unique Opens
Unique Opens is the total number of delivered messages that have been opened by a single user at least once and are tracked over a seven-day period.
For email, this is tracked over a 7 day period. For LINE, this is tracked after a minimum threshold of 20 messages per day has been reached.
Calculation:- Unique Opens: Count
- Unique Opens % or Unique Open Rate: (Unique Opens) / (Deliveries)
Unique Recipients
Unique Recipients is the number of unique daily recipients, or users who received a particular message in a day.
Because a viewer can be a unique recipient every day, you should expect this to be higher than Unique Impressions. This number is received from Braze and is based on the user_id
. Unique recipients are counted at the campaign or Canvas step level, not the send identifier level.
Calculation: Count
Unsubscribers or Unsub
Unsubscribers or Unsub is the number of messages resulting in an unsubscription. Unsubscriptions occur when a user clicks on the Braze unsubscribe link.
Calculation:- Unsubscribers or Unsub: Count
- Unsubscribers % or Unsub Rate: (Unsubscribes) / (Deliveries)
Unsubscribes is the number of recipients whose subscription state changed to unsubscribed as a result of clicking the Braze provided unsubscribe URL.
Calculation: (Unsubscribes) / (Deliveries)
Variation is the number of variations of a campaign, differing as defined by the creator.
Calculation: Count