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Built to scale as you grow

How American Dairy Queen Corporation Increases Revenue by 138% Within CRM

The Challenge:

Following the US launch of their new app in 2022, American Dairy Queen Corporation (ADQ) saw an opportunity to increase fan engagement in DQ® Rewards and create long-lasting fan relationships.

The Challenge:
How the Braze platform enhanced the campaign:

In March of 2022, ADQ launched a new app to support their loyalty program, DQ® Rewards. Through this program, ADQ utilizes a cross-channel approach to deepen fan relationships with tailored communication and experiences, ultimately driving habit-forming behavior.
In 2023, ADQ shifted its focus to acquiring new fans and driving app downloads to broaden the reach of DQ® Rewards. Within CRM, this meant finding a way to incentivize members of the legacy program, the “Blizzard Fan Club,” to convert to DQ® Rewards.

The Strategy:

In August 2022, ADQ ran an A/B test to determine which would resonate best with their fans. They split their “Blizzard Fan Club” audience into four groups and each received a different welcome offer upon signing up for the new DQ® Rewards program.
After two weeks of testing, one offer—the $.85 Blizzard Treat—was the clear top performer, leading ADQ to use the concept for a full campaign to acquire new loyalty members via a national promotion in April 2023.

The Results:

The $.85 Blizzard Treat campaign was a huge success, generating revenue, DQ® Rewards signups, and app downloads. Overall, it delivered a 138% increase in revenue compared to average monthly CRM revenue, accounting for 20% of all CRM revenue year-to-date. ADQ also saw a 310% lift in loyalty signups compared with their average monthly CRM-attributed signups, accounting for 37% of all CRM-based signups year-to-date. Additionally, their initial email saw the highest revenue conversion rate of all emails year-to-date.
With this single campaign, ADQ achieved 90% of their app download goal for 2023.

"With Braze, we are able to easily orchestrate, test, and scale campaigns, enabling us to cultivate the kinds of brand relationships that drive long-term loyalty and revenue."

Kaitlyn Sullivan
Digital Marketing Manager, CRM, ADQ

“Braze amplifies the value of our existing technology ecosystem and powers our award-winning campaigns. The company has become a strategic part of our marketing team, and we look forward to our continued partnership as we develop personalization at scale, strengthen our customer relationships, and drive revenue growth.”
Veronica Mynders Hamel
VP, Targeted Channels, DraftKings

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