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Phone number acquisition

To use the WhatsApp messaging channel, you’ll need a phone number that meets WhatsApp’s requirements for its Cloud API or On-Premises API.

You must acquire your phone number yourself, as Braze won’t provision the number for you. You can either purchase a physical phone with a SIM card through your business phone provider or use one of our partners: Twilio or Infoblip. You must have your own Twilio or Infobip account because this cannot be done through Braze.

WhatsApp API requirements

Your phone number must meet these WhatsApp API requirements:

  • Owned by your business
  • Have a country and area code (such as a landline and cell numbers)
  • Able to receive voice calls or SMS
  • Accessible during account setup (to receive verification codes)
  • Not a short code
  • Not previously used with the WhatsApp Business Platform
  • Not connected to a personal WhatsApp account

Acquiring a Twilio phone number

Step 1: Buy a phone number from the Twilio console or API

  1. From the Twilio console, go to Develop > Phone Numbers > Manage > Buy a number. If you don’t see this option, select Explore Products, scroll to Super Networks, then select Phone Number > Buy a number.

    Twilio console with the "Develop" tab opened and "Buy a number" option.

  2. Enter your desired area code or locality (if you have one). Find a number, then select Buy.

    A button to buy the listed phone number.

  3. After purchasing your phone number, go to Active Numbers and select the phone number you just purchased.

    "Active Numbers" showing the purchased phone number.

Step 2: Configure your phone number

Follow Twilio’s instructions to set up your Twilio phone number to receive the verification code via email using voicemail transcription. Do not follow the instructions in any other step, as that will connect your phone number to Twilio, not Braze.

Step 3: Complete the embedded sign up workflow

  1. After Twilio is configured, go to your Braze dashboard > Technology Partners > WhatsApp and select Begin integration or Add WhatsApp Business Account, whichever shows up, to trigger the embedded sign up workflow.

    In the Add a phone number for WhatsApp step, select Phone call for how you’d like to verify your phone number.

    Section with the options to verify your phone number through text message or a phone call.

  2. Wait a few minutes for the verification code to send to your email inbox, then enter the verification code and complete your setup.

Acquiring an Infobip phone number

  1. In the Infobip console, go to Channels and Numbers and select Numbers.

    Infoblip "Channels and Numbers" section with "Numbers" listed beneath.

  2. Select Buy Number > the country where you want to send messages > SMS.

    Button to buy a number.

  3. Depending on your selected country, you might need to complete an additional registration process (such as selecting a 10 DLC or toll-free option for US phone numbers). Be sure to select the available option.

    A page asking for you to select the number type: either 10 DLC or toll-free.

  4. Select the available offer, then proceed through the rest of the steps and wait for your request to be processed. You can check the status by going to Numbers > My Request.

    An offer with information including fees and coverage.

  5. Depending on your selected country, wait for the Infobip team to reach out for registration details (such as for 10DLC in the US).

  6. When your phone number is ready in Infobip, go to your Braze dashboard > Technology Partners > WhatsApp and select Begin integration or Add WhatsApp Business Account, whichever shows up, to trigger the embedded sign up workflow.

    In the Add a phone number for WhatsApp step, select Text message for how you’d like to verify your phone number.

    Section with the options to verify your phone number through text message or a phone call.

  7. Check Infobip’s analyze logs in their customer portal for the verification code, which could take a few minutes to appear, then enter the verification code and complete setup.

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