In-app message testing
It is extremely important to always test your in-app messages before sending your campaigns. Our preview and testing capabilities offer two ways to take a look at your in-app messages. You can preview your message, to help you visualize as you compose it, as well as send a test message to your or a specific user’s device. We recommend you take advantage of both.
You can preview your in-app message as you compose it. This should help you visualize what your final message will look like from your user’s perspective.
In Preview, the view of your message might not be identical to its actual rendering on the user’s device. We always recommend sending a test message to a device to ensure that your media, copy, personalization, and custom attributes generate correctly.
In-app message generation preview
Preview what your message will look like to a random user, a specific user, or a customized user—the latter two are especially useful if your message contains personalization or multiple languages. You can also preview messages for either mobile devices or tablets to get a better idea of what users will experience.
Braze has three generations of in-app messages available. You can fine-tune to which devices your messages should be sent, based on which Generation they support.
To send a test to either Content Test Groups or individual users, push must be enabled on your test devices before sending.
For example, you must have push enabled on your iOS device in order to tap the notification before the test message displays.
Preview message as user
You can also preview messages from the Test tab, as though you were a user. You can select a specific user, a random user, or create a custom user.
Test checklist
- Do the images and media show up and act as expected?
- Does the Liquid function as expected? Have you accounted for a default attribute value in the event that the Liquid returns no information?
- Is your copy clear, concise, and correct?
- Do your buttons direct the user where they should go?