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Exports log

Use the Exports Log page to view the status of export jobs and cancel ongoing exports directly from the Braze platform.

Currently, the exports log only supports segment exports. For information about the segment export tool, refer to Exporting segment data to CSV.

You can find the exports log by going to Settings > Exports Log. Here, you can view previous exports, the name of exported segments, the status of each export, the source of each export, and when each export started and finished.

The export logs with a list of completed exports.

Cancelling a pending export

You can cancel pending exports directly from the Exports Log page by selecting the menu and then selecting Cancel Export, or selecting the Export ID and then selecting Cancel Export on the export’s page.

The expors log showing a pending export and the option to "Cancel Export".

Sharing a specific export log

Share an export log by selecting the Export ID and then selecting Share Log.

A dropdown window with the link to share the page.

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