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Required information for 10DLC application

If you’ve purchased help from Braze to register your 10DLC, you’ll need to send us all the required information listed to the email below, as agreed in your contract with us.

Please include any relevant screenshots and attachments and send everything to [email protected]. If you have any questions about 10DLC, check out the Braze SMS 10DLC guide or contact your Braze customer success manager.

Company Information (10DLC)

All US carriers require the below company information for new campaign submissions.

Field Options (if applicable) Description
Legal Business Name   Enter the exact legal business name, as registered with the EIN. (for example, Braze Inc. rather than Braze)
Business Type
  • Corporation
  • Co-operative
  • Limited Liability Corporation
  • Non-profit
  • Partnership
  • Sole Proprietorship
Business EIN / Tax ID Number   The number used to identify your business.
Business Registration ID Type
  • USA: Employer Identification Number (EIN)
  • Canada: Canadian Corporation Number (CCN)
  • Great Britain: Company Number
  • Australia: Company Number from ASIC (ACN)
  • India: Corporate Identity Number
  • VAT Number
  • Israel: Registration Number
  • Other
If you selected “Other” for Business Registration ID Type, specify what other registry you will use to identify your business.    
Business Industry
  • Automotive
  • Agriculture
  • Banking
  • Consumer
  • Education
  • Electronics
  • Engineering
  • Energy
  • Fast Moving Consumer Goods
  • Financial
  • Fintech
  • Food & Beverage
  • Government
  • Healthcare
  • Hospitality
  • Insurance
  • Jewelry
  • Legal
  • Manufacturing
  • Media
  • Not-for-Profit
  • Oil & Gas
  • Online
  • Raw Materials
  • Real Estate
  • Religion
  • Retail
  • Technology
  • Telecommunications
  • Transportation
  • Travel
Website URL   The provided website should be reflective of the registered brand and accessible.
Business Regions of Operations (Select all that apply)
  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Latin America
  • USA & Canada
Full Legal Business Address (Street, City, State, Zip)   Enter the business address as it appears in the EIN or registration listing.
Company Type
  • Private
  • Non-Profit
  • Government
  • Public
If public, provide your ticker symbol    
Authorized Representative #1 - Name   Braze will be the first line of contact for any issues that could arise with your short code, this is not publicly facing information and only for the carriers to keep on file (applies to this and following fields).
Authorized Representative #1 - Email    
Authorized Representative #1 - Business Title    
Authorized Representative #1 - Job Position    
Authorized Representative #1 - Phone Number    
OPTIONAL Authorized Representative #2 - Name    
OPTIONAL Authorized Representative #2 - Email    
OPTIONAL Authorized Representative #2 - Business Title    
OPTIONAL Authorized Representative #2 - Job Position    
OPTIONAL Authorized Representative #2 - Phone Number    
Full Legal Business Address (Street, City, State, Zip)    
Company Type (private, non-profit, government, public (please provide ticker symbol))    
If public, provide your ticker symbol    

SMS campaign information

We’ll need to register each SMS subscription group that contains a US long code with its own A2P 10DLC campaign (sometimes referred to as a use case). Please provide the information below one time for each of your SMS subscription group that contain a US long code.

Field Options (if applicable) Description
Campaign Use-Case (Choose one that best fits)
  • Marketing
  • Account Notifications
  • Delivery Notifications
  • Customer Care
  • Security Alert
  • Fraud Alert Messaging
  • Higher Education
  • Mixed
  • Polling and Voting
  • Public Service Announcement
Note: If you plan to use a “Mixed” use-case for a subscription group, please consult your Customer Success Manager or Customer Onboarding Manger for important details beforehand
Campaign Name  

The SMS campaign name needs to be consistently displayed in your messaging, Terms of Service, and anywhere your users sign up for your program.


  • Braze Marking Alerts
  • Braze Account Notifications
  • Braze Cart Reminders
Description of Campaign   This campaign sends marketing and promotional messages to users who opt in to receive SMS including special offers/coupons and cart reminder notifications.
Customer Support Email Address   Where can end users reach out via email for help and support
Customer Support Phone Number   Where can end users reach out via phone for help and support
SMS Terms & Conditions URL  

To complete US A2P 10DLC Registration your SMS Terms page must include the following:

  1. Program (brand) name
  2. Consistent product disclosure on website and in message flow
  3. Message frequency (consistent with message flow)
  4. “Message and Data rates may apply” disclaimer
  5. HELP/STOP instructions OR customer care contact information

If this page is not live or any of the required disclosures are missing, a draft of SMS Terms along with the expected date of implementation to your live webpage will be needed to complete the registration process.

How Do End Users Opt-In To Your SMS Campaign? (Please share how end-users can opt into your SMS program, such as how end users can give consent to receive your SMS messages. If multiple opt-in methods are used, they must all be listed here.)  


  • End users opt in by texting START to XXXXXXXXXX.
  • End users opt in by visiting the website and adding their mobile number. Then, they check a box agreeing to receive SMS.
  • If the opt-in method chosen is not yet live. Please provide a mockup/screenshot of the opt-in method.
Opt-In Keywords  

If end users can text in a keyword to start receiving SMS from this campaign, those keywords must be provided. By default, Braze sets up the following keywords:

  • YES

Please let us know if you wish to add any keywords.

Opt-In Confirmation Message   The auto-reply message sent to the end users to confirm their opt-in must be provided. The opt-in response should include the Brand name, confirmation of opt-in enrollment to a recurring message campaign, how to get help, and clear description of how to opt-out. (for example, Thanks for joining Braze Marketing Alerts! Message frequency varies. Message and data rates may apply. Reply HELP for help or STOP to opt out.)
Opt-Out Keywords  

End users must be able to text in a keyword to stop receiving messages from this campaign. By default, Braze sets up the following keywords:

  • STOP
  • END
  • QUIT

Please let us know if you wish to add any keywords.

Opt-Out Message   Upon receiving the opt-out keywords from the end users, Carriers expect an auto-generated response, which must provide acknowledgment of the opt-out request and confirmation that no further messages will be sent. It is also recommended that these opt-out messages include the brand name (for example, Braze Marketing Alerts: You are unsubscribed from all messages. Reply HELP for help.)

320 character maximum
Help Keywords   End users must be able to text in a keyword to receive help. By default, Braze sets up the following keywords: -HELP -INFO Please let us know if you wish to add any keywords.
Help Message   Upon receiving the opt-out keywords from the end users, Carriers expect an auto-generated response, which may include the Brand name and additional support contact information (for example, Braze Marketing Alerts: For help call 555-555-555. Msg&data rates may apply. Msg freq may vary, Text STOP to cancel)

320 character maximum
Sample Message 1 of 2   Customer/Brand Updates: Hello and Welcome to Customer Brand Updates. Please visit our website at Please type HELP for help or STOP to opt out.
Sample Message 2 of 2   Customer/Brand Updates: Check out our latest holiday sale for 20% off all items through Monday. Please visit our website at Please type HELP for help or STOP to opt out.
Estimated Daily Volume   Please indicate the estimated average number of messages sent per day for this particular use case/subscription group, for example, 10,000.
Call to Action Checklist  

Call to Action should include the following:

  1. Product Description
  2. Message Frequency Disclosure
  3. Link to Complete Terms and Conditions
  4. Link to Complete Privacy Policy
  5. STOP keyword instructions
  6. HELP keyword instructions
  7. “Message and Data Rates” may apply disclosure
Call to Action Example   Example of call-to-action containing all the required details.
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