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Opt-in and opt-out keywords

Regulations require that there are responses to all opt-in, opt-out, and help/info keyword responses. Braze automatically processes the following exact, single-word, case-insensitive messages, automatically updating the subscription group state for the user and their associated phone number on all inbound requests.

Keyword overview

Braze will process the following keywords automatically and update the subscription group state for the phone number on all inbound requests. Note that these default keywords and responses may also be customized.

Only the exact, single-word message will be processed (case insensitive). Keywords such as STOP PLEASE will be ignored unless fuzzy opt-out is turned on.

If a recipient uses the keywords HELP or INFO, a response will be triggered automatically. The SMS template for these automatic response messages will be set during your onboarding and phone number procurement period. Note that you may continue to update these responses after the initial onboarding period.

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