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Audience segmentation is key to strategic marketing—it can keep you from over-targeting, bothering, or missing a potential connection with a customer. View the following articles to learn how to segment and filter your audience to your (and their) greatest benefit.

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About Braze segments

In Braze, segments are dynamic groups of users that fit specific criteria you define, such as user attributes, user behavior, and custom events. You can get granular with criteria by nesting segments within other segments and applying additional features, narrowing the scope of your audience so you can send highly personalized and engaging content to the right users.

You can create as many segments as you like to target users. Explore different combinations of segment features and segmentation filters to discover creative ways to utilize your user data, and unlock new ways to send relevant messages to users and increase engagement.

Check out the use cases below for a small preview of how Braze segments can help you target your users.

Use cases

  • Welcome messages: Segment new users so you can send onboarding emails or in-app messages that introduce them to your app.
  • Loyalty rewards: Segment users based on their purchase frequency, membership anniversary, or other milestones, and send exclusive offers or rewards to your most loyal users.
  • Behavioral triggers: Segment users based on their user actions, such as abandoning a cart at checkout, to trigger in-app messages or push notifications.
  • Item recommendations: Segment users who purchased specific products and send them recommendations for complementary or higher-tier products.
  • A/B testing: Segment users for A/B testing different messages, subject lines, or content to determine what resonates best with users of specific ages, genders, and other attributes.

Segment Extension use cases

You can further refine your segments by using Segment Extensions to target users based on custom event or purchase behavior stored for the lifetime of their user profile.

  • Historical purchases: Segment users by whether they purchased a specific color of a specific product at least twice in the past two years.
  • Events and message interactions: Segment users by whether they made a purchase in the last thirty days and also interacted with a specific in-app message.
  • Query data:
    • Query Snowflake: Segment users with data combined from Braze and external sources, such as a CRM or a data warehouse, by using SQL Segment Extensions to query Snowflake.
    • Sync from data warehouse: Segment users with data directly synced from your data warehouse or file storage system to Braze by using CDI segments.

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