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May 28, 2024 release

Visual updates to documentation site

You may have noticed our documentation website has a snazzy new look! We’ve revamped it to reflect the new vibrant Braze brand identity. For a behind-the-scenes look at our new brand, read more at Unveiling Our New Brand: A Conversation with Braze Executive Creative Director Greg Erdelyi.

Support for Portuguese and Spanish

General availability

Braze is now available in both Portuguese and Spanish. To change the language the Braze dashboard appears in, refer to Language settings.

Robust channels

Multi-language settings

General availability

By adjusting multi-language settings, you can target users in different languages and locations with different messages all within a single email message. To edit and manage multi-language support, you must have the “Manage Multi-Language Settings” user permission. To add the locale to a message, you’ll need permissions for editing campaigns.

Message-level one-click list-unsubscribe header

General availability

The one-click unsubscribe for the list-unsubscribe header (RFC 8058) provides an easy way for recipients to opt-out from emails. You can adjust this header setting to be applied at a message level in your emails. For more information on this setting, refer to Email unsubscribe header in workspaces.

About email sanitization

Visit our new sanitization article to learn more about the process that occurs when Braze detects a specific type of JavaScript in your email message. Its main purpose is to prevent bad actors from accessing other Braze dashboard users’ session data.

Inclusion count for Content Blocks

After adding a Content Block in an active campaign or Canvas, you can preview this Content Block from the Content Blocks Library by hovering over the Content Block and selecting the Preview icon.

Canvas statuses

On the Braze dashboard, your Canvases are grouped by their status. Check out the different Canvas statuses and descriptions for what they mean.

AI and ML automation

Brand guidelines for AI copywriting assistant

General availability

You can now create and apply brand guidelines to customize the style of copy generated by the AI copywriting assistant to fit your brand’s voice. Set up multiple guidelines for different scenarios to ensure your tone always matches the context.

New Braze partnerships

Adikteev - Analytics

The Braze and Adikteev integration allows you to boost user retention by leveraging Adikteev’s churn prediction technology within Braze CRM campaigns to target high-risk user segments in priority.

Celebrus - Analytics

The Braze and Celebrus integration seamlessly integrates with the Braze SDK across web and mobile app channels, facilitating the population of Braze with channel activity data. This includes comprehensive insights into visitor traffic across digital assets over specified periods.

IAM Studio - Message Templates

With the Braze and IAM Studio integration, you can easily insert customizable in-app message templates into your Braze in-app messages, offering image replacement, text modification, deep link settings, custom attributes, and event settings. Using IAM Studio, you can reduce message production time and dedicate more time to content planning.

Regal - Instant Chat

By integrating Braze and Regal, you can create a more consistent and personalized experience across all your customer touchpoints.

Treasure Data - Cohort Import

With the Braze and Treasure Data integration, you can import user cohorts from Treasure Data to Braze so you can send targeted campaigns based on data that may only exist in your warehouse.

Zapier - Workflow Automation

The Braze and Zapier partnership leverages the Braze API and Braze webhooks to connect with third-party applications to automate various actions.

SDK updates

The following SDK updates have been released. Breaking updates are listed below; all other updates can be found by checking the corresponding SDK changelogs.

New Stuff!