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Time-based functionalities for Canvas

This reference article covers time-based functionalities for Canvas to assist with strategies, troubleshooting, and to answer common questions.

Schedule delay

Send immediately

Send after X days

Send on the next [day of the week] at X time

For example, suppose you select “Send on the next Saturday at 3:15 pm”. If a user enters the Canvas on a Saturday, they would receive that message on the next Saturday in seven days. If they enter on a Friday, the next Saturday would be in one day.

Send in X calendar days at Y time

Definition Time Zone
Send message in a specific number of days at a specified time. Select between user’s local time or company time

Canvas calculates the delay as day of the week + calendar days, then adds the time. For example, suppose a Canvas component is sent on Monday at 9 pm, and the next step is scheduled to “Send in 1 day at 9 am”. That message will be delivered on Tuesday at 9 am, because the Canvas calculates the delay as Monday + 1 calendar day, then adds on 9 am.

Intelligent Timing

Global frequency capping

Frequency capping is based on calendar days, not a 24-hour period. This means that you could set up a frequency capping rule of sending no more than one campaign a day, but if a user receives a message at 11 pm in their local time, they can still receive another message an hour later (on midnight the next calendar day).

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