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Approving campaigns

Campaign approval adds a review process to your workflow before launching a campaign. This feature adds states that are available in the campaign confirmation workflow step. You can make sure that each confirmation is approved to launch the campaign.

Turning on campaign approval

By default, the campaign approval setting is turned off. To enable this feature, go to Settings > Approval Workflow.

Using approvals

After the campaign approval is turned on, you must have the “Approve and Deny Campaigns” permission. This permission controls who can update the approval status of a campaign. This permission can also be applied to workspaces or teams or added to a permission set.

In the Review Summary step of the campaign building workflow, use the approval option to approve or deny your campaign’s key components: Messages, Delivery, Target Population, and Conversion Events. The default state for campaign approval is Pending Approval. Note that it’s possible to self-approve components of a campaign.

Once each section is approved, the Launch button will be enabled, and you can launch your campaign!

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