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LINE user management

The LINE user ID is stored on the user profile attribute called native_line_id. This identifier is used to send messages on a user on the LINE channel. This article covers the native_line_id attribute and is part of the LINE beta collection. Return to the main page.

Customer user data is represented in a Braze user profile. A user profile stores information and attributes about a company’s users, such as first names and email addresses.

When you send LINE messages through Braze, Braze uses the native_line_id attribute to identify what users to send the message. When LINE sends Braze webhook events, such as when a user follows a channel or replies to a message, the native_line_id is used to look up the corresponding user profile.

Setting the native_line_id attibute

There are a number of scenarios where native_line_id is set on the user profile, which are outlined below.

Scenario Whether user profile exists with native_line_id Outcome
A user follows a LINE channel No An anonymous user profile is created (merging will be required):
- native_line_id is set to the user’s LINE ID
- line_id user alias is set to the user’s LINE ID
- The user is subscribed to the channel’s Braze subscription group
A user follows a LINE channel Yes All user profiles with the native_line_id:
- Are subscribed to the channel’s Braze subscription group
Company uses user CSV upload with a native_line_id column No If no user profile exists for the specified external_id or user alias:
- native_line_id is set to the specified value
- All other attributes specified in the CSV are set on the user profile
Company uses user CSV upload with a native_line_id column Yes If a user profile exists for the specified external_id or user alias:
- native_line_id is set to the specified value
- All other attributes specified in the CSV are set on the user profile
- Multiple profiles have the same native_line_id
Company uses /users/track endpoint and specifies native_line_id attribute No If no user profile exists for the specified user (specified by external_id, user_alias, braze_id or email):
- native_line_id is set to the specified value
- All other attributes specified in request are set on the user profile
Company uses /users/track endpoint and specifies native_line_id attribute Yes If a user profile exists for the specified user (specified by external_id, user_alias, braze_id or email):
- native_line_id is set to the specified value
- All other attributes specified in request are set on the user profile
- Multiple profiles have the same native_line_id
Company requests Braze run the subscription status syncer No If a user LINE ID is returned from LINE that doesn’t have a corresponding user profile in Braze, then an anonymous user profile is created:
- native_line_id is set to the user’s LINE ID
- line_id user alias is set to the user’s LINE ID
- The user is subscribed to the channel’s Braze subscription group

Note that if a user with the same LINE ID is later created, there will be duplicate users, but both will have the correct LINE subscription status. User merging can clean up your user base in these cases.
Company requests Braze run the subscription status syncer Yes If a user LINE ID is returned from LINE that has a corresponding user profile in Braze:
- The user is subscribed to the channel’s Braze subscription group

Finding the native_line_id

When viewing a user profile in the Braze dashboard, you can see whether it has the native_line_id attribute set by going to the Engagement tab > Contact Settings section > LINE section.

If the native_line_id has been set, it will under LINE User ID. Otherwise, it won’t appear.

Line Contact Settings in the Engagment tab.

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