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iOS Swift SDK changelog


  • Fixes the behavior in the Braze-provided UI for Banner Cards where content would not automatically be cleared from the UI when changing to a user that was not eligible for that campaign.
  • Changes the behavior of Braze.Banners.subscribeToUpdates(_:) to match behavior of the corresponding API on the Braze Android SDK.
    • Upon calling Braze.Banners.subscribeToUpdates(_:), the update handler closure will only be called if a banners sync has succeeded during the current user session.
      • Previously, calling Braze.Banners.subscribeToUpdates(_:) would always result in the update handler being called one time immediately.
    • Upon successfully completing a banners sync, Braze.Banners.subscribeToUpdates(_:) will call its registered update handler even if the sync result is identical to the last successful sync.
  • Changes the behavior of Braze.Banners.bannersStream to match behavior of the corresponding API on the Braze Android SDK.
    • Braze.Banners.bannersStream will now only emit an update immediately upon access if a banners sync has succeeded during the current user session.
      • Previously, accessing Braze.Banners.bannersStream would always emit one update immediately.
    • Upon successfully completing a banners sync, Braze.Banners.bannersStream will emit an update even if the sync result is identical to the last successful sync.
  • JavaScript bridge methods expecting number arguments now also accept string representations of numbers.
    • This change aligns the behavior of the Swift SDK with the behavior of the Web SDK.
  • Adds an optional method removeBannerContent to the BrazeBannerPlacement protocol.
  • Locally persisted Braze SDK data will no longer transfer during OS backups. This resolves an issue introduced in 6.2.0.


  • Braze.banners.getBanner(for:_:) now successfully returns a cached Banner object for the requested placement ID as long as a Banner Cards sync has ever succeeded for the current user.
    • Previously, it would log a warning and pass nil to the completion handler if a Banner Cards sync had not been completed for the current user during the current session specifically.
    • This change aligns behavior with the Android SDK.
  • Fixes an issue where images with the "JPEG" image type would sometimes not display in Push Stories.
  • Fixes an issue where an in-app message in a Braze-provided UI can be displayed for an ineligible user under rare conditions.
    • This may occur if the in-app message was in the process of being displayed in the UI at the same time that the user was changed to a different user.
  • Adds to access the current user identifier synchronously.
    • Deprecates async and in favor of
      • These methods will be removed fully in a future update.
  • Adds the optional parameter userIDMatchBehavior to the initializers of Braze.InAppMessageRaw.Context. This determines the behavior in the UI when the current identified user is different from the one that triggered the in-app message.
    • The default for Braze-provided UIs (.enforce) will enforce that the user ID matches the user ID that triggered the in-app message. If there is a mismatch, the in-app message will not be displayed.
    • For custom UIs, the default is .ignore and a mismatch will still display the in-app message.


  • Fixes an issue where the SDK could hang during initialization if previous sessions generated a large number of geofence refreshes. This hang could sometimes lead to a crash by blocking the main thread for an extended period.
  • Fixes an issue where the triggering of in-app messages could be delayed in cases where requests for updated in-app message triggers are also delayed due to rate limiting.
  • Adds additional safeguards to ensure that ongoing network requests are dropped when changing users mid-flight.
  • When Content Cards, Feature Flags, or Banner Cards go from enabled to disabled, the stored data is removed from cache.
  • Adds banner.trackingId to distinguish between banner objects.
    • Deprecates in favor of banner.trackingId.


  • Fixes a behavior where calling the logClick bridge method in HTML in-app messages with "" as the button ID would log an error.
    • Instead, this would log an in-app message body click to match other platforms.
  • Adds support for the Braze Banner Cards product.
    • For usage details, refer to our tutorial here.


  • Fixes the Objective-C Braze.delegate declaration to be weak like the Swift variant.
  • Braze.prepareForDelayedInitialization now takes an optional parameter analyticsBehavior: PushEnqueueBehavior.
    • Braze uses this value to determine whether any Braze push payloads received before initialization should be processed once initialization is complete.
    • PushEnqueueBehavior.queue will enqueue received push payloads to be processed upon initialization. This option is selected by default.
    • PushEnqueueBehavior.drop will drop received push payloads, ignoring them.
  • Adds configuration properties to customize the lineSpacing, maxLineHeight, minLineHeight, and lineHeightMultiple for the header and message texts in full and modal in-app messages.
  • Updates BrazeContentCardUI.ViewController.Attributes.defaults to be a var to allow directly editing the property for convenience.


  • Fixes an issue introduced in 11.0.0 where the push subscription status would be sent to the backend with an inaccurate value at startup, causing an unexpected subscription state. The SDK now sends up the accurate subscription status at each startup.


⚠️ Important: This version has a known issue related to push subscription status. Upgrade to version 11.1.1 instead.

  • Fixes an issue introduced in 11.0.0 where the push token status would not always be reported in all circumstances.
  • Fixes a display bug where an in-app message would appear truncated after certain keyboard dismissal scenarios.
  • Fixes a reference cycle in Braze.NewsFeedCard.Context that could prevent the card from being deallocated.
  • Adds a public initializer for Braze.Notifications.Payload.


  • Fixes an issue introduced in 11.0.0 where the push subscription status would be sent to the backend with an inaccurate value at startup, causing an unexpected subscription state. The SDK now sends up the accurate subscription status at each startup.


⚠️ Important: This version has a known issue related to push subscription status. Upgrade to version 11.1.1 instead.

  • Adds support for Swift 6 strict concurrency checking.
    • Relevant public Braze classes and data types now conform to the Sendable protocol and can be safely used across concurrency contexts.
    • Main thread-only APIs are now marked with the @MainActor attribute.
    • We recommend using Xcode 16.0 or later to take advantage of these features while minimizing the number of warnings generated by the compiler. Previous versions of Xcode may still be used, but some features may generate warnings.
  • When integrating push notification support manually, you may need to update the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate conformance to use the @preconcurrency attribute to prevent warnings.
    • Applying the @preconcurrency attribute on protocol conformance is only available in Xcode 16.0 or later. Reference our sample integration code here.
    • As of Xcode 16.0, Apple has not yet audited the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate protocol for Swift concurrency.
      extension AppDelegate: @preconcurrency UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
      // Your existing implementation
  • Updates the SDWebImage dependency in BrazeUICompat and sample apps to 5.19.7+ to support Swift 6 strict concurrency checking.


  • Fixes the push authorization status reporting to display the proper push token status on the Dashboard when a user has not explicitly accepted or declined push permissions.


  • Improves the reliability of sending updates to Live Activities that were launched via a push-to-start notification to an app in the terminated state.


  • Fixes the in-app message orientation validation logic, which prevented certain device classes from displaying messages under certain orientation configurations.
  • Fixes the default behavior on full-screen in-app messages to display as modals only on tablet screen sizes.
    • Previously, full-screen messages would erroneously default to modal presentations on some larger phones.
  • Fixes a crash when dismissing a slideup in-app message before it has finished presenting.
  • Fixes an issue on iOS 18.0+ where the in-app message UI would persist on the screen when attempting to dismiss the message before it has finished presenting.
  • Updates custom attribute value, custom event, and purchase string validation to use a 255 character maximum instead of a 255 byte maximum.


  • Updates the content card image background color to be clear.
  • Adds support for an upcoming Braze SDK Debugging tool.


  • Fixes an issue affecting the Objective-C variants of BrazeDelegate, BrazeContentCardUIViewControllerDelegate and BrazeInAppMessageUIDelegate.
    • When setting these delegates in Objective-C a second time, the delegate would end up being set to nil.
    • This issue has been resolved and the delegates can now be set multiple times without issue.


  • The following changes have been made when subscribing to Push events with Braze.Notifications.subscribeToUpdates(payloadTypes:_:):
    • The update closure will now be triggered by both “Push Opened” and “Push Received” events by default. Previously, it would only be triggered by “Push Opened” events.
      • To continue subscribing only to “Push Opened” events, pass in [.opened] for the parameter payloadTypes. Alternatively, implement your update closure to check that the type from the Braze.Notifications.Payload is .opened.
    • When receiving a push notification with content-available: true, the Braze.Notifications.Payload.type will now be .received instead of .opened.
  • Marks the following deprecated APIs as unavailable:
    • Braze.Configuration.Api.Flavor
    • Braze.Configuration.Api.flavor
    • Braze.Configuration.Api.SdkMetadata
    • Braze.Configuration.Api.addSdkMetadata(_:)
    • Braze.ContentCard.ClickAction.uri(_:useWebview:)
    • Braze.ContentCard.ClickAction.uri
    • Braze.InAppMessage.ClickAction.uri(_:useWebview:)
    • Braze.InAppMessage.ClickAction.uri
    • Braze.InAppMessage.ModalImage.imageUri
    • Braze.InAppMessage.Full.imageUri
    • Braze.InAppMessage.FullImage.imageUri
    • Braze.InAppMessage.Themes.default
    • Braze.deviceId(queue:completion:)
    • Braze._objc_deviceId(completion:)
    • Braze.deviceId()
    • Braze.User.setCustomAttributeArray(key:array:fileID:line:)
    • Braze.User.addToCustomAttributeArray(key:value:fileID:line:)
    • Braze.User.removeFromCustomAttributeArray(key:value:fileID:line:)
    • Braze.User._objc_addToCustomAttributeArray(key:value:)
    • Braze.User._objc_removeFromCustomAttributeArray(key:value:)
    • gifViewProvider
    • GifViewProvider.default
  • Removes the deprecated APIs:
    • Braze.Configuration.DeviceProperty.pushDisplayOptions
    • Braze.InAppMessageRaw.Context.Error.extraProcessClickAction
  • Removes the deprecated BrazeLocation class in favor of BrazeLocationProvider.
  • Fixes a crash when handling a scheme-based deep link containing a registered applink domain (e.g. with a deep link to app://
  • Adds support to subscribe to “Push Received” events via Braze.Notifications.subscribeToUpdates(payloadTypes:_:).
    • The following notifications will trigger this subscription:
      • Notifications received in the foreground
      • Notifications with the field content-available: true received in the foreground or background
    • The following notifications will not trigger this subscription:
      • Notifications received while terminated
      • Notifications received in the background without the field content-available: true
    • The new parameter payloadTypes will allow you to subscribe to “Push Opened” events, “Push Received” events, or both. If the parameter is omitted, it will subscribe to both by default.
    • If you are using manual push integration, you will need to first implement UNUserNotificationCenter.userNotificationCenter(_:willPresent:withCompletionHandler:), and make sure to call Braze.Notifications.handleForegroundNotification(notification:) within your implementation. Then, use subscribeToUpdates as noted above. See our guide on push notification integration for more info.
  • Adds the public property Braze.Notifications.Payload.type.
  • Adds the Braze.WebViewBridge.ScriptMessageHandler.init(braze:) initializer enabling a simpler way to initialize the ScriptMessageHandler for adding it to user-provided web views.


  • Fixes an issue where the Braze.FeatureFlag.subscribeToUpdates(_:) callback was not triggered at app launch when the cached feature flags matched the remote feature flags.
  • Fixes an issue in Objective-C projects where the return value of Braze.FeatureFlag.jsonProperty(key:) would incorrectly encode any entry value equal to null under certain conditions.
    • [String: Any] dictionaries returned by the Swift API will now drop null values.
    • NSDictionary objects returned by the Objective-C API will now encode null values as NSNull.


  • Adds Objective-C support for the BrazeInAppMessageUIDelegate.inAppMessage(_:prepareWith:) method.
    • Customization of ViewAttributes via the attributes property is not available in the Objective-C version of PresentationContextRaw.
  • Adds Braze.FeatureFlag.jsonProperty(key:type:decoder:) to decode jsonobject type Feature Flag properties into custom Decodable types.
  • Deprecates the existing Feature Flag APIs, to be removed in a future version:
    • Braze.FeatureFlag.jsonStringProperty(key:) has been deprecated.
    • Braze.FeatureFlag.jsonObjectProperty(key:) has been deprecated in favor of Braze.FeatureFlag.jsonProperty(key:).
  • Fixes an issue where the preferredOrientation on the presentation context of an in-app message would not be respected.


  • Adds the openNewWindowLinksInBrowser configuration (default: false) to Braze.ModalContext.
    • Set this value in the braze(_:willPresentModalWithContext:) method of your BrazeDelegate to specify whether to launch the device browser to open web view hyperlinks that normally open a new tab or window.
  • Fixes an issue with the automatic push integration feature that could cause the SDK not to send the device token to Braze.
  • Fixes an issue that prevented external links, which open in a new tab, from being activated in presented web views.


  • Adds support for 3 new Feature Flag property types and various APIs for accessing them:
    • Braze.FeatureFlag.timestampProperty(key:) for accessing Int Unix UTC millisecond timestamps.
    • Braze.FeatureFlag.imageProperty(key:) for accessing image URLs as Strings.
    • Braze.FeatureFlag.jsonObjectProperty(key:) for accessing JSONs as [String:Any] dictionaries.
    • Braze.FeatureFlag.jsonStringProperty(key:) for accessing JSONs as Strings.
  • Adds safeguards when reading the device model.
  • Fixes the duplicate symbols compilation errors and runtime warnings that may occur under specific conditions when integrating BrazeKit and either BrazeNotificationService or BrazePushStory via CocoaPods.


  • Removes the default privacy tracking domains from the BrazeKit privacy manifest.
    • If you are using the Braze data tracking features, you will need to manually add your tracking endpoint to your app-level privacy manifest.
    • Refer to the updated tutorial for integration guidance.
  • Removes the deprecated BrazeDelegate.braze(_:sdkAuthenticationFailedWithError) method in favor of BrazeSDKAuthDelegate.braze(_:sdkAuthenticationFailedWithError).
    • This method was originally deprecated in release 5.14.0.
    • Failing to switch to the new delegate method will not trigger a compiler error; instead, the BrazeDelegate.braze(_:sdkAuthenticationFailedWithError) method you define will simply not be called.
  • Adds the missing NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypes key to the BrazePushStory privacy manifest.


  • Expands Geofences behavior in the background while “When In Use” authorization is selected:
    • Adds the Braze.Location.Configuration.allowBackgroundGeofenceUpdates property to toggle whether geofences should be updated in the background.
      • When using this setting, verify that you have enabled the Location updates background mode.
    • Adds the Braze.Location.Configuration.distanceFilter property to configure the minimum distance sensitivity for triggering a location update.
  • Adds support for the message_extras Liquid tag for in-app messages.


  • Adds early access for a third alternative repository which provides all Braze modules as mergeable XCFrameworks. For instructions on how to leverage it, refer to the repository README:
  • Adds a missing privacy manifest for BrazePushStory.
  • Fixes an invalid privacy manifest warning in BrazeLocation when submitting to the App Store as a dynamic XCFramework.
  • Fixes an issue where already enqueued in-app messages would not be removed from the stack after subsequent .reenqueue and .discard display actions.
  • Fixes an issue preventing retried requests from using an updated SDK authentication token until a new request was scheduled for processing.
  • Purchases, custom events, and nested custom user attributes can now include properties with values of any type conforming to BinaryInteger (Int64, UInt16, etc).
    • All values will be cast to Int before being logged.
    • This resolves an issue with a bugfix in 7.6.0.


  • Fixes App Store validation issues when archiving with Xcode 15.3.


  • Adds support for remotely starting Live Activities via push notifications.
  • Adds return values for existing liveActivities methods:
    • launchActivity(pushTokenTag:activity:) now returns a discardable Task<Void, Never>?.
  • Adds pushToStartTokens as a new tracking property type.


  • Adds the is_test_send boolean value in the in-app message JSON representation.
  • Adds the Braze.subscribeToSessionUpdates(_:) method and Braze.sessionUpdatesStream property to subscribe to the session updates events generated by the SDK.
  • Adds public APIs to access BrazeKit, BrazeLocation and BrazeUI resources bundles:
    • Braze.Resources.bundle
    • BrazeLocationResources.bundle
    • BrazeUIResources.bundle
  • BrazeKit.overrideResourceBundle and BrazeUI.overrideResourceBundle have been deprecated in favor of BrazeKit.overrideResourcesBundle and BrazeUI.overrideResourcesBundle.
  • Re-enables visionOS sample apps requiring SDWebImage in Examples-CocoaPods.xcworkspace. SDWebImage for visionOS is now supported when using CocoaPods.
  • Updated SDWebImage dependency in BrazeUICompat to 5.19.0+.
  • Fixes multiple issues on visionOS:


  • Fixes the reported SDK version, see 8.0.0.
  • Removes crash data from the BrazeKit privacy manifest. This data type is not collected by Braze.


⚠️ Warning
  • This release reports the SDK version as 7.7.0 instead of 8.0.0.
  • Compiles the SDK using Xcode version 15.2 (15C500b).
    • This also raises the minimum deployment targets to iOS 12.0 and tvOS 12.0.
  • The BrazeLocation class is now marked as unavailable. It was previously deprecated in favor of BrazeLocationProvider in 5.8.1.
  • Adds support for visionOS 1.0.
    • ⚠️ Rich push notifications and Push Stories may not display as expected on visionOS 1.0. We are monitoring the latest versions for potential fixes.
    • ⚠️ CocoaPods is not yet supported by SDWebImage for visionOS. visionOS sample apps requiring SDWebImage have been disabled in the Examples-CocoaPods.xcworkspace. Refer to the SwiftPM or manual integration Xcode project instead.


  • Updates the prebuilt release assets to include the privacy manifest for manual integrations of SDWebImage.
  • Enhances support for language localizations.
    • Introduces a localization for Azerbaijani strings.
    • Updates Ukrainian localization strings for accuracy.
  • Fixes the default button placement for full in-app message views.
  • Fixes an issue where setting Braze.Configuration.Api.endpoint to a URL with invalid characters could cause a crash.
    • If the SDK is given an invalid endpoint, it will no longer attempt to make network requests and will instead log an error.
  • Fixes an issue preventing BrazeLocation from working correctly when using the dynamic XCFrameworks.


  • Adds the Braze.InAppMessage.Data.isTestSend property, which indicates whether an in-app message was triggered as part of a test send.
  • Adds logic to separate Braze data into tracking and non-tracking requests.
    • Adds the following methods to set and edit the allow list for properties that will be used for tracking:
      • Braze.Configuration.Api.trackingPropertyAllowList: Set the initial allow list before initializing Braze.
      • Braze.updateTrackingAllowList(adding:removing:): Update the existing allow list during runtime.
    • For full usage details on these configurations, refer to our tutorial here.
  • Adds safeguards to prevent a rare race condition occuring in the SDK network layer.
  • Prevents in-app message test sends from attempting re-display after being discarded by a custom in-app message UI delegate.
  • Fixes an issue in the default Braze in-app message UI where some messages were not being removed from the stack after display.
  • Fixes the compilation of BrazeKitCompat and BrazeUICompat in Objective-C++ projects.
  • Fixes an issue in BrazeUICompat where the header text in Full or Modal in-app messages would be duplicated in place of the body text under certain conditions.
  • Fixes the encoding of values of types Float, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, UInt, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32 and UInt64. Those types were previously not supported in custom events and purchase properties.
  • Fixes an issue preventing purchase events from being logged when the product identifier has a leading dollar sign.
  • Fixes an issue preventing custom attributes from being logged when the attribute key has a leading dollar sign.


  • Adds privacy manifests for BrazeKit and BrazeLocation to describe Braze’s data collection policies. For more details, refer to Apple’s documentation on privacy manifests.
    • More fine-tuned configurations to manage your data collection practices will be made available in a future release.
  • Adds the optInWhenPushAuthorized configuration property to specify whether a user’s notification subscription state should automatically be set to optedIn when updating push permissions to authorized.
  • The WebKit Inspector developer tool is now enabled by default for all instances of BrazeInAppMessagesUI.HtmlView. It can be disabled by setting BrazeInAppMessagesUI.HtmlView.Attributes.allowInspector to false.
  • Fixes an issue with the code signatures of XCFrameworks introduced in 7.1.0.
  • Fixes a crash on tvOS devices running versions below 16.0, caused by the absence of the UIApplication.openNotificationSettingsURLString symbol in those OS versions.
  • Fixes an issue where a content card would not display if the value under “Redirect to Web URL” was an empty string.
  • Fixes incorrect behavior in BrazeUI where tapping the body of a Full or Modal in-app message with buttons and an “Image Only” layout would dismiss that message and process the button’s click action.
    • Tapping the body will now be a no-op, bringing parity with other platforms.


  • Adds two alternative repositories to support specialized integration options. For instructions on how to leverage them, refer to their respective READMEs:
  • In-App Message assets from URLs containing the query parameter cache=false will not be prefetched.
  • Fixes XCFrameworks headers to use the #import syntax instead of @import for compatibility with Objective-C++ contexts.
  • Fixes the push token tag validation during Live Activity registration, accepting strings up to 256 bytes instead of 255 bytes.
  • Braze.ContentCards.unviewedCards no longer includes Control cards to bring parity with Android and Web.
  • Fixes an Objective-C metaclass crash that occurs when initializing a custom subclass of certain BrazeUI views.


  • Adds support for Expo Notifications event listeners when using the automatic push integration.
  • Fixes a rare concurrency issue that might result in duplicated events when logging large amount of events.
  • Fixes an issue where user.set(dateOfBirth:) was not setting the date of birth accurately due to variations in the device’s timezone.


  • Exposes the BrazePushStory.NotificationViewController.didReceive methods for custom handling of push story notification events.
  • Resolves an issue for in-app messages with buttons where tapping on the body would incorrectly execute the button’s click action.
    • Now, when you tap on the body of an in-app message with buttons, no event should occur.
  • Resolves a potential deadlock under rare circumstances in BrazeUI’s In-App messages presentation.
  • Fixes the default implementation for the Objective-C representation of BrazeInAppMessageUIDelegate.inAppMessage(_:shouldProcess:url:buttonId:message:view:) to return the proper click action URL.
  • Resolves an issue where the body of the modal in-app message may be displayed stretched on some device models.
  • Resolves an issue where BrazeInAppMessageUI could fail to detect the correct application window for presenting its post-click webview.
    • BrazeInAppMessageUI now prefers using the current key UIWindow instead of the first one in the application’s window stack.
  • Braze.Configuration.DeviceProperty.pushDisplayOptions has been deprecated. Providing this value no longer has an effect.


  • Resolves an issue preventing templated in-app messages from triggering if a previous attempt to display the message failed within the same session.
  • Fixes an issue that prevented custom events and nested custom attributes from logging if had a property with a value that was prefixed with a $.
  • Fixes a bug in the Content Cards feed UI where the empty feed message would not display when the user only had control cards in their feed.
  • Adds additional safeguards when reading the device model.
  • Adds a code signature to all XCFrameworks in the Braze Swift SDK, signed by Braze, Inc..
  • BrazeInAppMessageUI.DisplayChoice.later has been deprecated in favor of BrazeInAppMessageUI.DisplayChoice.reenqueue.


  • The useUUIDAsDeviceId configuration is now enabled by default.
  • The Banner Content Card type and corresponding UI elements have been renamed to ImageOnly. All member methods and properties remain the same.
    • Braze.ContentCard.BannerBraze.ContentCard.ImageOnly
    • BrazeContentCardUI.BannerCellBrazeContentCardUI.ImageOnlyCell
  • Refactors some text layout logic in BrazeUI into a new Braze.ModalTextView class.
  • Updates the behavior for Feature Flags methods.
    • FeatureFlags.featureFlag(id:) now returns nil for an ID that does not exist.
    • FeatureFlags.subscribeToUpdates(:) will trigger the callback when any refresh request completes with a success or failure.
      • The callback will also trigger immediately upon initial subscription if previously cached data exists from the current session.
  • Fixes compiler warnings about Swift 6 when compiling BrazeUI while using Xcode 15.
  • Exposes public imports for ABKClassicImageContentCardCell.h and ABKControlTableViewCell.h for use in the BrazeUICompat layer.
  • Adds additional safeguards around invalid constraint values for BrazeInAppMessageUI.SlideupView.
  • Resolves a Content Cards feed UI issue displaying a placeholder image in Classic cards without an attached image.
  • Adds the enableDarkTheme property to BrazeContentCardUI.ViewController.Attributes.
    • Set this field to false to prevent the Content Cards feed UI from adopting dark theme styling when the device is in dark mode.
    • This field is true by default.


  • Fixes an issue preventing purchase events from being logged when the product identifier has a leading dollar sign ($).
  • Fixes an issue preventing custom attributes from being logged when the attribute key has a leading dollar sign ($).


  • Fixes a crash in the geofences feature that could occur when the number of monitored regions exceeded the maximum count.
  • Fixes an issue introduced in 6.3.1 that would always update a user’s push subscription status to optedIn on app launch if push permissions were authorized on the device settings.
    • The SDK now will only send the subscription status at app launch if the device notification settings goes from denied to authorized.
  • Braze.ContentCard.logClick(using braze: Braze) will now log a click regardless of whether the ContentCard has a ClickAction.
    • This behavior differs from the default API Braze.ContentCard.Context.logClick(), which has the safeguard of requiring a ClickAction to log a click.


  • Fixes an issue in HTML in-app messages where custom event and purchase properties would always convert values for 1 and 0 to become true and false, respectively.
    • These property values will now respect their original form in the HTML.
  • Prevents the default Braze UI from displaying in-app messages underneath the keyboard when Stage Manager is in use.


  • Content card impressions can now be logged any number of times on a single card, bringing parity with Android and Web.
    • This removes the limit introduced in 6.3.1 where a card impression could only be logged once per session.
    • In the Braze-provided Content Cards feed UI, impressions will be logged once per feed instance.
  • Adds a simplified method for integrating push notification support into your application:
    • Automatic push integration can be enabled by setting configuration.push.automation = true on your configuration object.
      • This eliminates the need for the manual push integration outlined in the Implement the push notification handlers manually tutorial section.
      • When enabled, the SDK will automatically implement the necessary system delegate methods for handling push notifications.
      • Compatibility with other push providers, whether first or third party, is maintained. The SDK will automatically handle only Braze push notifications, while original system delegate methods will be executed for all other push notifications.
    • Each automation step can be independently enabled or disabled. For example, configuration.push.automation.requestAuthorizationAtLaunch = false can be used to prevent the automatic request for push permissions at launch.
    • Resources:
  • Adds the Braze.Configuration.forwardUniversalLinks configuration. When enabled, the SDK will redirect universal links from Braze campaigns to the appropriate system methods.
  • Adds the Braze.Notifications.subscribeToUpdates(_:) method to subscribe to the push notifications handled by the SDK.
  • Adds the Braze.Notifications.deviceToken property to access the most recent notification device token received by the SDK.


  • Fixes an issue preventing text fields from being selected in HTML IAMs for iOS 15.
  • Fixes an issue where the device model was inaccurately reported as iPad on macOS (Mac Catalyst and Designed for iPad configurations).
  • Fixes an issue where custom event and purchase properties would not accept an entry if its value was an empty string.
  • Fixes a crash that occurred in the default UI for Content Cards when encountering a zero-value aspect ratio.
  • Fixes an issue introduced in 6.0.0 where images in in-app messages would appear smaller than expected when using the compatibility UI (BrazeUICompat).
  • Adds the unviewedCards convenience property to the Braze.ContentCards class to get the unviewed content cards for the current user.


  • Fixes an issue where the previous user’s data would not be flushed after calling changeUser(userId:sdkAuthSignature:) when the SDK authentication feature is enabled.
  • A content card impression can now be logged once per session. Previously, the Braze-provided Content Cards UI would limit to a single impression per card at maximum, irrespective of sessions.
  • Fixes an issue that previously caused push notification URLs with percent-encoded characters to fail during decoding.
  • Fixes a behavior to automatically set a user’s push subscription state to optedIn after push permissions have explicitly been authorized via the Settings app.
  • Correctly hides shadows on in-app messages that are configured with a transparent background.
  • Fixes a rare crash occurring when deinitializing the Braze instance.
  • Adds additional logging for network-related decoding errors.


  • “Confirm” and “Cancel” notification categories now show the correct titles on the action buttons.


  • Fixes a crash introduced in 6.0.0 when displaying an HTML in-app message using the BrazeUICompat module.
  • Removed a system call that is known to be slow on older versions of macOS. This resolves the SDK hanging during initialization on Mac Catalyst when running on affected macOS versions.
  • Adds support for target attributes on anchor tags in HTML in-app messages (e.g. <a href="..." target="_blank"></a>).
    • Adding the target attribute to links will allow them to open in a new webview without dismissing the current in-app message.
    • This behavior can be disabled via the linkTargetSupport property of the BrazeInAppMessageUI.HtmlView.Attributes struct.
    • See our Custom HTML in-app messages documentation page for more details.


  • Fixes an issue that led to disproportionately large close buttons on in-app messages when the user has set a large font size in the device settings.
  • Fixes an issue that would lock the screen in a specific orientation after the dismissal of an in-app message customized to be presented in that orientation.
    • This issue only impacted iOS 16.0+ devices.
  • Adds new versions of setCustomAttribute to the User object to support nested custom attributes.
    • Renames User.setCustomAttributeArray(key: String, array: [String]?) to setCustomAttribute(…) to align it with other custom attribute setters, and adds “string” to the addTo and removeFrom attribute array methods to clarify which custom attributes they’re used for.




  • VoiceOver now correctly focuses on in-app message views when they are presented.
  • Fixes an issue causing in-app messages with re-eligibility disabled to display multiple times under certain conditions.
  • Fixes an issue where modal and full in-app message headers were truncated on devices running iOS versions lower than 16 when displaying non-ASCII characters.
  • The dynamic variant of BrazeUI.framework in the release artifact is now an actual dynamic framework. Previously, this specific framework was mistakenly distributed as a static framework.
  • Adds the BrazeSDKAuthDelegate protocol as a separate protocol from BrazeDelegate, allowing for more flexible integrations.
    • Apps implementing BrazeDelegate.braze(_:sdkAuthenticationFailedWithError:) should migrate to use BrazeSDKAuthDelegate and remove the old implementation. The BrazeDelegate method will be removed in a future major release.


  • Fixes an issue where the SDK would automatically track body clicks on non-legacy HTML in-app messages.
  • Adds the synchronous deviceId property on the Braze instance.
    • deviceId(queue:completion:) is now deprecated.
    • deviceId() async is now deprecated.
  • Adds the automaticBodyClicks property to the HTML in-app message view attributes. This property can be used to enable automatic body clicks tracking on non-legacy HTML in-app messages.
    • This property is false by default.
    • This property is ignored for legacy HTML in-app messages.


Starting with this release, this SDK will use Semantic Versioning.

  • Adds json() and decoding(json:) public methods to the Feature Flag model object for JSON encoding/decoding.


  • Fixes a crash occurring when the SDK is configured with a flush interval of 0 and network connectivity is poor.


  • Fixes an issue preventing the correct calculation of the delay when retrying failed requests. This led to a more aggressive retry schedule than intended.
  • Improves the performance of Live Activity tracking by de-duping push token tag requests.
  • Fixes an issue in logClick(using:) where it would incorrectly open the url field in addition to logging a click for metrics. It now only logs a click for metrics.
    • This applies to the associated APIs for content cards, in-app messages, and news feed cards.
    • It is still recommended to use the associated Context object to log interactions instead of these APIs.


  • Adds support for Live Activities via the liveActivities module on the Braze instance.
    • This feature provides the following new methods for tracking and managing Live Activities with the Braze push server:
      • launchActivity(pushTokenTag:activity:)
      • resumeActivities(ofType:)
    • This feature requires iOS 16.1 and up.
    • To learn how to integrate this feature, refer to the setup tutorial.
  • Adds logic to re-synchronize Content Cards on SDK version changes.
  • Adds provisional support for Xcode 14.3 Beta via the braze-inc/braze-swift-sdk-xcode-14-3-preview repository.


  • Dynamic versions of the prebuilt xcframeworks are now available in the release artifact.


  • Fixes an issue where test content cards were removed before their expiration date.
  • Fixes an issue in BrazeUICompat where the status bar appearance wasn’t restored to its original state after dismissing a full in-app message.
  • Fixes an issue when decoding notification payloads where some valid boolean values weren’t correctly parsed.
  • In-app modal and full-screen messages are now rendered with UITextView, which better supports large amounts of text and extended UTF code points.


  • Fixes an issue preventing local expired content cards from being removed.
  • Fixes a behavior that could lead to background tasks extending beyond the expected time limit with inconsistent network connectivity.
  • Adds logImpression(using:) and logClick(buttonId:using:) to news feed cards.


  • Raises the minimum deployment target to iOS 11.0 and tvOS 11.0.
  • Raises the Xcode version to 14.1 (14B47b).
  • Fixes an issue where the post-click webview would close automatically in some cases.
  • Fixes a behavior where the current user messaging data would not be directly available after initializing the SDK or calling changeUser(userId:).
  • Fixes an issue preventing News Feed data models from being available offline.
  • Fixes an issue where the release binaries could emit warnings when generating dSYMs.
  • SwiftPM and CocoaPods now use the same release assets.
  • Adds support for the upcoming Braze Feature Flags product.
  • Adds the archive to the release assets.
    • This archive contains the prebuilt xcframeworks and their associated resource bundles.
    • The content of this archive can be used to manually integrate the SDK.
  • Adds the Examples-Manual.xcodeproj showcasing how to integrate the SDK using the prebuilt release assets.
  • Adds support for Mac Catalyst for example applications, available at Support/Examples/
  • Adds support to convert from Data into an in-app message, content card, or news feed card via decoding(json:).


  • Fixes a conflict with the shared instance of ProcessInfo, allowing low power mode notifications to trigger correctly.
  • Renames the BrazeLocation class to BrazeLocationProvider to avoid shadowing the module of the same name (SR-14195).


To help migrate your app from the Appboy-iOS-SDK to our Swift SDK, this release includes the Appboy-iOS-SDK migration guide:

  • Follow step-by-step instructions to migrate each feature to the new APIs.
  • Includes instructions for a minimal migration scenario via our compatibility libraries.
  • Adds compatibility libraries BrazeKitCompat and BrazeUICompat:
    • Provides all the old APIs from Appboy-iOS-SDK to easily start migrating to the Swift SDK.
    • See the migration guide for more details.
  • Adds support for News Feed data models and analytics.
    • News Feed UI is not supported by the Swift SDK. See the migration guide for instructions on using the compatibility UI.


  • Fixes an issue where modal image in-app messages would not respect the aspect ratio of the image when the height of the image is larger than its width.
  • Changes modal, modal image, full, and full image in-app message view attributes to use the ViewDimension type for their minWidth, maxWidth and maxHeight attributes.
    • The ViewDimension type enables providing different values for regular and large size-classes.
  • Adds a configuration to use a randomly generated UUID instead of IDFV as the device ID: useUUIDAsDeviceId.
    • This configuration defaults to false. To opt in to this feature, set this value to true.
    • Enabling this value will only affect new devices. Existing devices will use the device identifier that was previously registered.


  • Fixes an issue preventing the execution of BrazeDelegate methods when setting the delegate using Objective-C.
  • Fixes an issue where triggering an in-app message twice with the same event did not place the message on the in-app message stack under certain conditions.
  • Adds the public id field to Braze.InAppMessage.Data.
  • Adds logImpression(using:) and logClick(buttonId:using:) to both in-app messages and content cards, and adds logDismissed(using:) to content cards.
    • It is recommended to continue using the associated Context to log impressions, clicks, and dismissals for the majority of use cases.
  • Adds Swift concurrency to support async/await versions of the following public methods. These methods can be used as alternatives to their corresponding counterparts that use completion handlers:


  • Fixes the InAppMessageRaw to InAppMessage conversion to properly take into account the extras dictionary and the duration.
  • Fixes an issue preventing the execution of the braze(_:sdkAuthenticationFailedWithError:) delegate method in case of an authentication error.
  • Improves error logging descriptions for HTTP requests and responses.


  • Corrected the version number from the previous release.


  • Adds the public initializers Braze.ContentCard.Context(card:using:) and Braze.InAppMessage.Context(message:using:).


  • The modal webview controller presented after a click now correctly handles non-HTTP(S) URLs (e.g. App Store URLs).
  • Fixes an issue preventing some test HTML in-app messages from displaying images.
  • Learn how to easily customize BrazeUI in-app message and content cards UI components with the following documentation and example code:
  • Adds new attributes to BrazeUI in-app message UI components:
    • cornerCurve to change the cornerCurve
    • buttonsAttributes to change the font, spacing and corner radius of the buttons
    • imageCornerRadius to change the image corner radius for slideups
    • imageCornerCurve to change the image cornerCurve for slideups
    • dismissible to change whether slideups can be interactively dismissed
  • Adds direct accessors to the in-app message view subclass on the BrazeInAppMessageUI.messageView property.
  • Adds direct accessors to the content card title, description and domain when available.
  • Adds Braze.Notifications.isInternalNotification to check if a push notification was sent by Braze for an internal feature.
  • Adds brazeBridge.changeUser() to the HTML in-app messages JavaScript bridge.
  • The applyAttributes() method for BrazeContentCardUI views now take the attributes explicitly as a parameter.


  • Fixes an issue where content cards would not be properly removed when stopping a content card campaign on the dashboard and selecting the option Remove card after the next sync (e.g. session start).


  • Adds support for host apps written in Objective-C.
    • Braze Objective-C types start either with BRZ or Braze, e.g.:
      • Braze
      • BrazeDelegate
      • BRZContentCardRaw
    • See our Objective-C Examples project.
  • Adds BrazeDelegate.braze(_:noMatchingTriggerForEvent:) which is called if no Braze in-app message is triggered for a given event.
  • In Braze.Configuration.Api:
    • Renamed SdkMetadata to SDKMetadata.
    • Renamed addSdkMetadata(_:) to addSDKMetadata(_:).
  • In Braze.InAppMessage:
    • Renamed Themes.default to Themes.defaults.
    • Renamed ClickAction.uri to ClickAction.url.
    • Renamed ClickAction.uri(_:useWebView:) to ClickAction.url(_:useWebView:).


  • Fixes an issue where brazeBridge.logClick(button_id) would incorrectly accept invalid button_id values like "", [], or {}.
  • Adds support for Braze Action Deeplink Click Actions.


  • Fixes an issue preventing compilation when importing BrazeUI via SwiftPM in specific cases.
  • Lowers BrazeUI minimum deployment target to iOS 10.0.


  • Fixes an HTML in-app message issue where clicking a link in an iFrame would launch a separate webview and close the message, instead of redirecting within the iFrame.
  • Fixes the rounding of In-App Message modal view top corners.
  • Fixes the display of modals and full screen in-app messages on iPads in landscape mode.


  • Adds support for tvOS.
    • See the schemes Analytics-tvOS and Location-tvOS in the Examples project.


  • Raises BrazeUI minimum deployment target to iOS 11.0 to allow providing SwiftUI compatible Views.


  • Fixes an issue where the SDK would be unable to present a webview when the application was already presenting a modal view controller.
  • Fixes an issue preventing a full device data update after changing the identified user.
  • Fixes an issue preventing events and user attributes from being flushed automatically under certain conditions.
  • Fixes an issue delaying updates to push notifications settings.


  • Fixes a race condition when retrieving the user’s notification settings.
  • Fixes an issue where duplicate data could be recorded after force quitting the application.

5.0.0 (Early Access)

We are excited to announce the initial release of the Braze Swift SDK!

The Braze Swift SDK is set to replace the current Braze iOS SDK and provides a more modern API, simpler integration, and better performance.

Current limitations

The following features are not supported yet:

  • Objective-C integration
  • tvOS integration
  • News Feed
  • Content Cards
New Stuff!