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Push notifications

This reference article covers how to set push notifications for Flutter. Integrating push notifications requires setting up each native platform separately. Follow the respective guides listed to finish the installation.


Before you can use this feature, you’ll need to integrate the Braze Flutter SDK.

Setting up push notifications

Step 1: Complete the initial setup

Step 1.1: Register for push

Register for push using Google’s Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) API. For a full walkthrough, refer to the following steps from the Native Android push integration guide:

  1. Add Firebase to your project.
  2. Add Cloud Messaging to your dependencies.
  3. Create a service account.
  4. Generate JSON credentials.
  5. Upload your JSON credentials to Braze.

Step 1.2: Get your Google Sender ID

First, go to Firebase Console, open your project, then select  Settings > Project settings.

The Firebase project with the "Settings" menu open.

Select Cloud Messaging, then under Firebase Cloud Messaging API (V1), copy the Sender ID to your clipboard.

The Firebase project's "Cloud Messaging" page with the "Sender ID" highlighted.

Step 1.3: Update your braze.xml

Add the following to your braze.xml file. Replace FIREBASE_SENDER_ID with the sender ID you copied previously.

<bool translatable="false" name="com_braze_firebase_cloud_messaging_registration_enabled">true</bool>
<string translatable="false" name="com_braze_firebase_cloud_messaging_sender_id">FIREBASE_SENDER_ID</string>

Step 1.1: Upload APNs certificates

Generate an Apple Push Notification service (APNs) certificate and uploaded it to the Braze dashboard. For a full walkthrough, see Uploading your APNs certificate.

Step 1.2: Add push notification support to your app

Follow the native iOS integration guide.

Step 2: Listen for push notification events (optional)

To listen for push notification events that Braze has detected and handled, call subscribeToPushNotificationEvents() and pass in an argument to execute.

// Create stream subscription
StreamSubscription pushEventsStreamSubscription;

pushEventsStreamSubscription = braze.subscribeToPushNotificationEvents((BrazePushEvent pushEvent) {
  print("Push Notification event of type ${pushEvent.payloadType} seen. Title ${pushEvent.title}\n and deeplink ${pushEvent.url}");
  // Handle push notification events

// Cancel stream subscription
Push notification event fields

For a full list of push notification fields, refer to the table below:

Step 3: Test displaying push notifications

To test your integration after configuring push notifications in the native layer:

  1. Set an active user in the Flutter application. To do so, initialize your plugin by calling braze.changeUser('your-user-id').
  2. Head to Campaigns and create a new push notification campaign. Choose the platforms that you’d like to test.
  3. Compose your test notification and head over to the Test tab. Add the same user-id as the test user and click Send Test.
  4. You should receive the notification on your device shortly. You may need to check in the Notification Center or update Settings if it doesn’t display.
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