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Logging purchases

Record in-app purchases so that you can track your revenue over time and across revenue sources, as well as segment your users by their lifetime value.

Braze supports purchases in multiple currencies. Purchases that you report in a currency other than USD will be shown in the dashboard in USD based on the exchange rate at the date they were reported.

Before implementation, be sure to review examples of the segmentation options afforded by custom events, custom attributes, and purchase events in our Best practices.

To use this feature, add the logPurchase() call after a successful purchase in your app. Note that the quantity must be less than or equal to 100.

braze.logPurchase(product_id, price, "USD", quantity);

Adding properties

You can add metadata about purchases by either passing an event property array or by passing an object of key-value pairs with your purchase information.

Object formatting

Keys are string objects, and values can be string, numeric, boolean, or Date objects.

braze.logPurchase(product_id, price, "USD", quantity, {key: "value"});

Log purchases at the order level

If you want to log purchases at the order level instead of the product level, you can use order name or order category as the product_id. Refer to our purchase object specification to learn more.


You can also use our REST API to record purchases. Refer to the users API documentation for details.

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