Integration Overview
Basic integration options
AppboyKit (also known as the Objective-C SDK) is no longer supported and has been replaced by the Swift SDK. It will no longer receive new features, bug fixes, security updates, or technical support—however, messaging and analytics will continue to function as normal. To learn more, see Introducing the New Braze Swift SDK.
Installing the Braze iOS SDK will provide you with basic analytics functionality (session handling) and basic in-app messages. You must further customize your integration for additional channels and features.
The Braze iOS SDK can be installed or updated using CocoaPods, Carthage, Swift Package Manager, or a Manual integration.
Additionally, the Braze iOS SDK fully supports RubyMotion apps.
The iOS SDK will add 1 MB to 2 MB to the app IPA file, in addition to an APP File, and 30 MB for the framework.
After you have integrated using one of the listed options, followed the steps for completing the integration, and enabled other SDK customizations (optional), move on to integrating, enabling, and customizing additional channels and features to fit the needs of your future campaigns.