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Uninstall tracking for iOS

This article covers how to configure uninstall tracking for your iOS application, and how to test so that your app does not take any unwanted automatic actions upon receiving a Braze uninstall tracking push.

Uninstall tracking utilizes background push notifications with a Braze flag in the payload. For more information, see uninstall tracking in our user guide.

Step 1: Enabling background push

Make sure that you have enabled the Remote notifications option from the Background Modes section of your Xcode project’s Capabilities tab. Refer to our silent push notification documentation for additional details.

Step 2: Checking for Braze background push

Braze uses background push notifications to collect uninstall tracking analytics. Make sure that your application does not take any unwanted actions upon receiving our uninstall tracking notifications.

Step 3: Test from the dashboard

Next, send yourself a test push from the dashboard. This test push will not update your user profile.

  1. On the Campaigns page, create a push notification campaign and select iOS push as your platform.

  2. On the Settings page, add the key appboy_uninstall_tracking with corresponding value true and check Add Content-Available Flag.

  3. Use the Preview page to send yourself a test uninstall tracking push.

  4. Check that your app does not take any unwanted automatic actions upon receiving the push.

Step 4: Enable uninstall tracking

Follow the instructions for enabling uninstall tracking.

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