Feature flag experiments
Feature flag experiments let you A/B test changes to your applications to optimize conversion rates. Marketers can use feature flags to determine whether a new feature positively or negatively impacts conversion rates, or which set of feature flag properties is most optimal.
Before you can track user data in the experiment, your app needs to record when a user interacts with a feature flag. This is called a feature flag impression. Make sure to log a feature flag impression whenever a user sees or could have seen the feature you’re testing, even if they’re in the control group.
To learn more about logging feature flag impressions, see Creating feature flags.
const featureFlag = braze.getFeatureFlag("my-new-feature");
if (featureFlag?.enabled) {
return <NewFeature />
} else {
return <ExistingFeature />
Creating a feature flag experiment
Step 1: Create an experiment
- Go to Messaging > Campaigns, then select + Create Campaign.
- Select Feature Flag Experiment.
- Give your campaign a clear and meaningful name.
Step 2: Add experiment variants
Next, create variations. For each variant, choose the feature flag you want to turn on or off, then review its assigned properties.
To test the impact of your feature, use variants to split traffic into two or more groups. Name one group “My control group” and turn its feature flags off.
Step 3: Overwrite properties (optional)
You can choose to overwrite the default properties you initially set up for users who receive a specific campaign variant.
To edit, add, or remove additional default properties, edit the feature flag itself from Messaging > Feature Flags. When a variant is disabled, the SDK will return an empty properties object for the given feature flag.
Step 4: Choose users to target
Use one of your segments or filters to choose your target users. For example, you can use the Received Feature Flag Variant filter to retarget users who have already received an A/B test.
Segment membership is calculated when feature flags are refreshed for a given user. Changes are made available after your app refreshes feature flags, or when a new session is started.
Step 5: Distribute variants
Choose the percentage distribution for your experiment. As a best practice, you should not change the distribution after your experiment has been launched.
Step 6: Assign conversions
Braze lets you to track how often users perform specific actions, conversion events, after receiving a campaign. Specify up to a 30-day window during which a conversion will be counted if the user takes the specified action.
Step 7: Review and launch
After you’ve finished building the last of your experiment, review its details, then select Launch Experiment.
Reviewing the results
After your feature flag experiment is finished, you can review impression data for your experiment. Go to Messaging > Campaigns and select the campaign with your feature flag experiment.
Campaign analytics
Campaign Analytics offers a high-level overview of your experiment’s performance, such as:
- The total number of impressions
- The number of unique impressions
- The primary conversion rate
- The total revenue generated by the message
- The estimated audience
You can also view the experiment’s settings for delivery, audience, and conversion.
Feature flag experiment performance
Feature Flags Experiments Performance shows how well your message performed across various dimensions. The specific metrics you see will vary depending on your chosen messaging channel, and whether you’re running a multivariate test. To see the feature flag values associated with each variant, select Preview.