Security qualifications
Braze takes data privacy and security for our organization, our customers, and our customer’s customers seriously.
These are performed by independent, third-party auditors. We are compliant with these internationally-recognized standards and codes of practice to ensure that our security standards are up-to-date and in line with leading best practices.
For more on this, check out Braze Perspectives!
ISO 27001 certification
Braze has certification for compliance with ISO 27001 as of December 18, 2018, and renewed as of August 20, 2024. Expires December 15, 2027.
Any third party wishing to independently verify the status of Braze’s certification may see the Schellman certificate directory or see our certificate here.
SOC 2 examination
Last Review Date/Period: July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024
Braze has successfully completed the Type 2 SOC 2 examination for Security and Availability, performed by independent CPA firm Schellman & Company, LLC.
Braze’s HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) cluster complies with the Security and Privacy rules of HIPAA, as applicable. When creating this cluster, Braze worked with a lawyer who advised on HIPAA laws and worked through the compliance needs for HIPAA with respect to the Security and Privacy rules. This included a risk analysis for the environment, as well as going through each safeguard and ensuring compliance as required.