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Content Cards

Learn about Content Cards for the Braze SDK, including the different data models and card-specific properties available for your application.


Before you can use Braze Content Cards, you’ll need to integrate the Braze Android SDK into your app. However, no additional setup is required.

Google fragments

In Android, the Content Cards feed is implemented as a fragment available in the Braze Android UI project. The ContentCardsFragment class will automatically refresh and display the contents of the Content Cards and log usage analytics. The cards that can appear in a user’s ContentCards are created on the Braze dashboard.

To learn how to add a fragment to an activity, see Google’s fragments documentation.

Card types and properties

The Content Cards data model is available in the Android SDK and offers the following unique Content Card types. Each type shares a base model, which allows them to inherit common properties from the base model, in addition to having their own unique properties. For full reference documentation, see

Base card model

The base card model provides foundational behavior for all cards.

Image only

Image only cards are clickable full-sized images.

Captioned image

Captioned image cards are clickable, full-sized images with accompanying descriptive text.


A classic card without an image included will result in a text announcement card. If an image is included, you will receive a short news card.

Card methods

All Card data model objects offer the following analytics methods for logging user events to Braze servers.


Before you can use Content Cards, you’ll need to integrate the Braze Swift SDK into your app. However, no additional setup is required.

View controller contexts

The default Content Cards UI can be integrated from the BrazeUI library of the Braze SDK. Create the Content Cards view controller using the braze instance. If you wish to intercept and react to the Content Card UI lifecycle, implement BrazeContentCardUIViewControllerDelegate as the delegate for your BrazeContentCardUI.ViewController.

The BrazeUI library of the Swift SDK provides two default view controller contexts: navigation or modal. This means you can integrate Content Cards in these contexts by adding a few lines of code to your app or site. Both views offer customization and styling options as described in the customization guide. You can also create a custom Content Card view controller instead of using the standard Braze one for even more customization options—refer to the Content Cards UI tutorial for an example.


A navigation controller is a view controller that manages one or more child view controllers in a navigation interface. Here is an example of pushing a BrazeContentCardUI.ViewController instance into a navigation controller:

func pushViewController() {
  guard let braze = AppDelegate.braze else { return }
  let contentCardsController = BrazeContentCardUI.ViewController(braze: braze)
  // Implement and set `BrazeContentCardUIViewControllerDelegate` if you wish to intercept click actions.
  contentCardsController.delegate = self
  self.navigationController?.pushViewController(contentCardsController, animated: true)
- (void)pushViewController {
  BRZContentCardUIViewController *contentCardsController = [[BRZContentCardUIViewController alloc] initWithBraze:self.braze];
  // Implement and set `BrazeContentCardUIViewControllerDelegate` if you wish to intercept click actions.
  [contentCardsController setDelegate:self];
  [self.navigationController pushViewController:contentCardsController animated:YES];


Use modal presentations to create temporary interruptions in your app’s workflow, such as prompting the user for important information. This model view has a navigation bar on top and a Done button on the side of the bar. Here is an example of pushing a BrazeContentCard.ViewController instance into a modal controller:

func presentModalViewController() {
  guard let braze = AppDelegate.braze else { return }
  let contentCardsModal = BrazeContentCardUI.ModalViewController(braze: braze)
  // Implement and set `BrazeContentCardUIViewControllerDelegate` if you wish to intercept click actions.
  contentCardsModal.viewController.delegate = self
  self.navigationController?.present(contentCardsModal, animated: true, completion: nil)
- (void)presentModalViewController {
  BRZContentCardUIModalViewController *contentCardsModal = [[BRZContentCardUIModalViewController alloc] initWithBraze:AppDelegate.braze];
  // Implement and set `BrazeContentCardUIViewControllerDelegate` if you wish to intercept click actions.
  [contentCardsModal.viewController setDelegate:self];
  [self.navigationController presentViewController:contentCardsModal animated:YES completion:nil];

For example usage of BrazeUI view controllers, check out the corresponding Content Cards UI samples in our Examples app.

Base card model

The Content Cards data model is available in the BrazeKit module of the Braze Swift SDK. This module contains the following Content Card types, which are an implementation of the Braze.ContentCard type. For a full list of Content Card properties and their usage, see ContentCard class.

  • Image only
  • Captioned image
  • Classic
  • Classic image
  • Control

To access the Content Cards data model, call on your braze instance. See Logging analytics for more information on subscribing to card data.

Card methods

Each card is initialized with a Context object, which contains various methods for managing your card’s state. Call these methods when you want to modify the corresponding state property on a particular card object.

For more details, refer to the Context class documentation


Before you can use Content Cards, you’ll need to integrate the Braze Web SDK into your app. However, no additional setup is required. To build your own UI instead, see Content Card Customization Guide.

Standard feed UI

To use the included Content Cards UI, you’ll need to specify where to show the feed on your website.

In this example, we have a <div id="feed"></div> in which we want to place the Content Cards feed. We’ll use three buttons to hide, show, or toggle (hide or show based on its current state) the feed.

<button id="toggle" type="button">Toggle Cards Feed</button>
<button id="hide" type="button">Hide Cards Feed</button>
<button id="show" type="button">Show Cards Feed</button>

    <h1>Your Personalized Feed</h1>
    <div id="feed"></div>

   const toggle = document.getElementById("toggle");
   const hide = document.getElementById("hide");
   const show = document.getElementById("show");
   const feed = document.getElementById("feed");
   toggle.onclick = function(){
   hide.onclick = function(){
   show.onclick = function(){

When using the toggleContentCards(parentNode, filterFunction) and showContentCards(parentNode, filterFunction) methods, if no arguments are provided, all Content Cards will be shown in a fixed-position sidebar on the right-hand side of the page. Otherwise, the feed will be placed in the specified parentNode option.

See the SDK reference docs for more information on Content Card toggling.

Card types and properties

The Content Cards data model is available in the Web SDK and offers the following Content Card types: ImageOnly, CaptionedImage, and ClassicCard. Each type inherits common properties from a base model Card and has the following additional properties.

Base card model

All Content Cards have these shared properties:

Image only

ImageOnly cards are clickable full-sized images.

Captioned image

CaptionedImage cards are clickable, full-sized images with accompanying descriptive text.


The ClassicCard model can contain an image with no text or a text with image.

Control group

If you use the default Content Cards feed, impressions and clicks will be automatically tracked.

If you use a custom integration for Content Cards, you need need log impressions when a Control Card would have been seen. As part of this effort, make sure to handle Control cards when logging impressions in an A/B test. These cards are blank, and while they aren’t seen by users, you should still log impressions in order to compare how they perform against non-Control cards.

To determine if a Content Card is in the Control group for an A/B test, check the card.isControl property (Web SDK v4.5.0+) or check if the card is a ControlCard instance (card instanceof braze.ControlCard).

Card methods

For more details, refer to the SDK reference documentation

Using Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager works by injecting the Braze CDN (a version of our Web SDK) directly into your website code, which means that all SDK methods are available just as if you had integrated the SDK without Google Tag Manager, except when implementing Content Cards.

Setting up Content Cards

For a standard integration of the Content Card feed, you can use a Custom HTML tag in Google Tag Manager. Add the following to your Custom HTML tag, which will activate the standard Content Card feed:


Tag Configuration in Google Tag Manager of a Custom HTML tag that shows the Content Card feed.

For more freedom over customizing the appearance of Content Cards and their feed, you can directly integrate Content Cards into your native website. There are two approaches you can take with this: using the standard feed UI or creating a custom feed UI.

Standard feed

When implementing the standard feed UI, Braze methods must have window. added to the start of the method. For example, braze.showContentCards should instead be window.braze.showContentCards.

Custom feed UI

For custom feed styling, the steps are the same as if you had integrated the SDK without GTM. For example, if you want to customize the width of the Content Card feed, you can paste the following into your CSS file:

body .ab-feed { 
    width: 800px;

Upgrading templates

To upgrade to the latest version of the Braze Web SDK, take the following three steps in your Google Tag Manager dashboard:

  1. Update tag template
    Go to the Templates page within your workspace. Here you should see an icon indicating an update is available.

    Templates page showing an update is available

    Click that icon and after reviewing the change, click to Accept Update.

    A screen comparing the old and new tag templates with a button to "Accept Update"

  2. Update version number
    Once your tag template has been updated, edit the Braze Initialization Tag, and update the SDK version to the most recent major.minor version. For example, if the latest version is 4.1.2, enter 4.1. You can view a list of SDK versions in our changelog.

    Braze Initialization Template with an input field to change the SDK Version

  3. QA and publish
    Verify the new SDK version is working using Google Tag Manager’s debugging tool prior to publishing an update to your tag container.


Enable tag debugging

Each Braze tag template has an optional GTM Tag Debugging checkbox which can be used to log debug messages to your web page’s JavaScript console.

Google Tag Manager's Debug tool

Enter debug mode

Another way to help debug your Google Tag Manager integration is using Google’s Preview mode feature.

This will help identify what values are being sent from your web page’s data layer to each triggered Braze tag and will also explain which tags were or were not triggered.

The Braze Initialization Tag summary page provides an overview of the tag, including information on which tags were triggered.

Enable verbose logging

To allow Braze technical support to access logs while testing, you can enable verbose logging on your Google Tag Manager integration. These logs will appear in the Console tab of your browser’s developer tools.

In your Google Tag Manager integration, navigate to your Braze Initialization Tag and select Enable Web SDK Logging.

The Braze Initialization Tag summary page with the option to Enable Web SDK Logging turned on.


Before you can use this feature, you’ll need to integrate the Cordova Braze SDK.

Card Feeds

The Braze SDK includes a default card feed. To show the default card feed, you can use the launchContentCards() method. This method handles all analytics tracking, dismissals, and rendering for a user’s Content Cards.

Content Cards

You can use these additional methods to build a custom Content Cards Feed within your app:

About Flutter Content Cards

The Braze SDK includes a default card feed to get you started with Content Cards. To show the card feed, you can use the braze.launchContentCards() method. The default card feed included with the Braze SDK will handle all analytics tracking, dismissals, and rendering for a user’s Content Cards.


Before you can use this feature, you’ll need to integrate the Flutter Braze SDK.

Card methods

You can use these additional methods to build a custom Content Cards Feed within your app by using the following methods available on the plugin public interface:

Receiving Content Card data

To receive Content Card data in your Flutter app, the BrazePlugin supports sending Content Card data by using Dart Streams.

The BrazeContentCard object supports a subset of fields available in the native model objects, including description, title, image, url, extras, and more.

Step 1: Listen for Content Card data in the Dart layer

To receive to the content card data in the Dart layer, use the code below to create a StreamSubscription and call braze.subscribeToContentCards(). Remember to cancel() the stream subscription when it is no longer needed.

// Create stream subscription
StreamSubscription contentCardsStreamSubscription;

contentCardsStreamSubscription = braze.subscribeToContentCards((List<BrazeContentCard> contentCards) {
  // Handle Content Cards

// Cancel stream subscription

For an example, see main.dart in our sample app.

Step 2: Forward Content Card data from the native layer

To receive the data in the Dart layer from step 1, add the following code to forward the Content Card data from the native layers.

The Content Card data is automatically forwarded from the Android layer.

  1. Implement contentCards.subscribeToUpdates to subscribe to content cards updates as described in the subscribeToUpdates documentation.

  2. Your contentCards.subscribeToUpdates callback implementation must call BrazePlugin.processContentCards(contentCards).

For an example, see AppDelegate.swift in our sample app.

Replaying the callback for Content Cards

To store any Content Cards triggered before the callback is available and replay them after it is set, add the following entry to the customConfigs map when initializing the BrazePlugin:

BrazePlugin braze = new BrazePlugin(customConfigs: {replayCallbacksConfigKey: true});

About React Native Content Cards

The Braze SDKs include a default card feed to get you started with Content Cards. To show the card feed, you can use the Braze.launchContentCards() method. The default card feed included with the Braze SDK will handle all analytics tracking, dismissals, and rendering for a user’s Content Cards.


Before you can use this feature, you’ll need to integrate the React Native Braze SDK.

Cards methods

To build your own UI, you can get a list of available cards, and listen for updates to cards:

// Set initial cards
const [cards, setCards] = useState([]);

// Listen for updates as a result of card refreshes, such as:
// a new session, a manual refresh with `requestContentCardsRefresh()`, or after the timeout period
Braze.addListener(Braze.Events.CONTENT_CARDS_UPDATED, async (update) => {

// Manually trigger a refresh of cards

You can use these additional methods to build a custom Content Cards Feed within your app:

Card types and properties

The Content Cards data model is available in the React Native SDK and offers the following Content Cards card types: Image Only, Captioned Image, and Classic. There’s also a special Control card type, which is returned to users that are in the control group for a given card. Each type inherits common properties from a base model in addition to its own unique properties.

Base card model

The base card model provides foundational behavior for all cards.

For a full reference of the base card, see the Android and iOS documentation.

Image only

Image only cards are clickable, full-sized images.

For a full reference of the image only card, see the Android and iOS documentation.

Captioned image

Captioned image cards are clickable, full-sized images with accompanying descriptive text.

For a full reference of the captioned image card, see the Android and iOS documentation.


Classic cards have a title, description, and an optional image on the left of the text.

For a full reference of the classic (text announcement) Content Card, see the Android and iOS documentation. For the classic image (short news) card, see the Android and iOS documentation.


Control cards include all of the base properties, with a few important differences. Most importantly:

  • The isControl property is guaranteed to be true.
  • The extras property is guaranteed to be empty.

For a full reference of the control card, see the Android and iOS documentation.


Before you can use Content Cards, you’ll need to integrate the Braze Swift SDK into your app. Then you’ll need to complete the steps for setting up your tvOS app.

Setting up your tvOS app

Step 1: Create a new iOS app

In Braze, select Settings > App Settings, then select Add App. Enter a name for your tvOS app, select iOSnot tvOS—then select Add App.


Step 2: Get your app’s API key

In your app settings, select your new tvOS app then take note of your app’s API key. You’ll use this key to configure your app in Xcode.


Step 3: Integrate BrazeKit

Use your app’s API key to integrate the Braze Swift SDK into your tvOS project in Xcode. You only need to integrate BrazeKit from the Braze Swift SDK.

Step 4: Create your custom UI

Because Braze doesn’t provide a default UI for content cards on tvOS, you’ll need to customize it yourself. For a full walkthrough, see our step-by-step tutorial: Customizing content cards for tvOS. For a sample project, see Braze Swift SDK samples.


Before you can use this feature, you’ll need to integrate the Unity Braze SDK.

Displaying Content Cards natively

You can display the default UI for Content Cards using the following call:


Receiving Content Card data in Unity

You may register Unity game objects to be notified of incoming Content Cards. We recommend setting game object listeners from the Braze configuration editor.

If you need to configure your game object listener at runtime, use AppboyBinding.ConfigureListener() and specify BrazeUnityMessageType.CONTENT_CARDS_UPDATED.

Note, you will additionally need to make a call to AppboyBinding.RequestContentCardsRefresh() to start receiving data in your game object listener on iOS.

Parsing Content Cards

Incoming string messages received in your Content Cards game object callback can be parsed into our pre-supplied ContentCard model object for convenience.

Parsing Content Cards requires Json parsing, see the following example for details:

Example Content Cards callback
void ExampleCallback(string message) {
  try {
    JSONClass json = (JSONClass)JSON.Parse(message);

    // Content Card data is contained in the `mContentCards` field of the top level object.
    if (json["mContentCards"] != null) {
      JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray)JSON.Parse(json["mContentCards"].ToString());
      Debug.Log(String.Format("Parsed content cards array with {0} cards", jsonArray.Count));

      // Iterate over the card array to parse individual cards.
      for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.Count; i++) {
        JSONClass cardJson = jsonArray[i].AsObject;
        try {
          ContentCard card = new ContentCard(cardJson);
          Debug.Log(String.Format("Created card object for card: {0}", card));

          // Example of logging Content Card analytics on the ContentCard object 
        } catch {
          Debug.Log(String.Format("Unable to create and log analytics for card {0}", cardJson));
  } catch {
    throw new ArgumentException("Could not parse content card JSON message.");

Refreshing Content Cards

To refresh Content Cards from Braze, call either of the following methods:

// results in a network request to Braze



Clicks and impressions must be manually logged for Content Cards not displayed directly by Braze.

Use LogClick() and LogImpression() on ContentCard to log clicks and impressions for specific cards.

About Xamarin Content Cards

The Braze Xamarin SDK includes a default card feed to get you started with Content Cards. The default card feed included with the Braze SDK will handle all analytics tracking, dismissals, and rendering for a user’s Content Cards.


Before you can use this feature, you’ll need to integrate the Xamarin Braze SDK.

Card types and properties

The Braze Xamarin SDK has three unique Content Cards card types that share a base model: Banner, Captioned Image, and Classic. Each type inherits common properties from a base model and has the following additional properties.

Base card model

For a full reference of the base card, see the Android and iOS documentation.


Banner cards are clickable, full-sized images.

For a full reference of the banner card, see the Android and iOS documentation (now renamed to image only).

Captioned image

Captioned image cards are clickable, full-sized images with accompanying descriptive text.

For a full reference of the captioned image card, see the Android and iOS documentation.


Classic cards have a title, description, and an optional image on the left of the text.

For a full reference of the classic (text announcement) Content Card, see the Android and iOS documentation. For a full reference of the classic image (short news) card, see the Android and iOS documentation.

Card methods

You can use these additional methods to build a custom Content Cards Feed within your app:

Method Description
requestContentCardsRefresh() Requests the latest Content Cards from the Braze SDK server.
getContentCards() Retrieves Content Cards from the Braze SDK. This will return the latest list of cards from the server.
logContentCardClicked(cardId) Logs a click for the given Content Card ID. This method is used only for analytics.
logContentCardImpression(cardId) Logs an impression for the given Content Card ID.
logContentCardDismissed(cardId) Logs a dismissal for the given Content Card ID.
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