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Tracking uninstalls

Learn how to set up uninstall tracking through the Braze SDK. For general information, see User Guide: Unistall tracking.

Setting up uninstall tracking

Step 1: Set up FCM

The Android Braze SDK uses Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to send silent push notifications, which are used to collect uninstall tracking analytics. If you haven’t already, set up or migrate to the Firebase Cloud Messaging API for push notifications.

Step 2: Manually detect uninstall tracking (optional)

By default, the Android Braze SDK will automatically detect and ignore silent push notifications related to uninstall tracking. However, you choose to manually detect uninstall tracking using the isUninstallTrackingPush() method.

Step 3: Remove automatic server pings

A silent push notification will wake your app and instantiate the Application component if it app isn’t already running. So, if you have a custom Application subclass, remove any logic that automatically pings your servers during your Application.onCreate() lifecycle method.

Step 4: Enable uninstall tracking

Finally, enable uninstall tracking in Braze. For a full walkthrough, see Enable uninstall tracking.

Setting up uninstall tracking

Step 1: Enable background push

In your Xcode project, go to Capabilities and ensure you have Background Modes enabled. For more information, see silent push notification.

Step 2: Ignore internal push notifications

The Swift Braze SDK uses background push notifications to collect uninstall tracking analytics. To ensure your app doesn’t make unwanted actions when these are sent, you’ll need to ensure that internal push notifications are ignored.

Step 3: Send a test push (optional)

Next, send yourself a test push notification from the Braze dashboard (don’t worry—it won’t update your user profile).

  1. Go to Messaging > Campaigns and create a push notification campaign using the relevant platform.
  2. Go to Settings > App Settings and add the appboy_uninstall_tracking key with relevant true value, then check Add Content-Available Flag.
  3. Use the Preview page to send yourself a test uninstall tracking push.
  4. Check that your app does not make any unwanted automatic actions when it receives a push notification.

Step 3: Enable uninstall tracking

Finally, enable uninstall tracking in Braze. For a full walkthrough, see Enable uninstall tracking.

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