Braze API Guide
Braze provides a high-performance REST API to allow you to track users, send messages, export data, and more. This page lists available Braze API endpoints and their uses.
Delete a field from a catalog.
Create multiple fields in a catalog.
Delete multiple items in your catalog.
Edit multiple items in your catalog.
Create multiple items in your catalog.
Replace multiple items in a catalog.
Delete an item in a catalog.
List a catalog item and its details.
Return multiple catalog items and their content.
Edit an item in a catalog.
Create an item in a catalog.
Replace an item in a catalog.
Delete a catalog.
List the catalogs in a workspace.
Create a catalog.
Delete a catalog selection.
Create a selection in a catalog.
Return a list of existing integrations.
Return a list of sync statuses.
Trigger a sync for a given integration.
Pull a list of email addresses that have "hard bounced" your email messages within a certain time frame.
Return emails that have unsubscribed during the time period from
to end_date
Unsubscribe a user from email and mark them as hard bounced.
Set the email subscription state for your users.
Remove email addresses from your Braze bounce list.
Remove email addresses from your Braze spam list.
Retrieve a daily series of various stats for a campaign over time.
Retrieve relevant information on a specified campaign.
Export a list of campaigns, each of which will include its name, campaign API identifier, whether it is an API campaign, and tags associated with the campaign.
Retrieve a daily series of various stats for a tracked
Export time series data for a Canvas.
Export rollups of time series data for a Canvas, providing a concise summary of a Canvas' results.
Export metadata about a Canvas, such as the name, time created, current status, and more.
Export a list of Canvases, including the name, Canvas API identifier and associated tags.
Export a list of custom attributes including the name, description, data type, array length (if applicable), status, and associated tags.
Export a list of names of custom events that have been recorded for your app.
Retrieve a series of the number of occurrences of a custom event in your app over a designated time period.
Export a list of custom events including the name, description, status, associated tags, and analytics report inclusion.
Retrieve a daily series of the total number of new users on each date.
Retrieve a daily series of the total number of unique active users on each date.
Retrieve a daily series of the total number of unique active users over a 30-day rolling window.
Retrieve a daily series of the total number of uninstalls on each date.
Retrieve a daily series of engagement stats for a card over time.
Retrieve relevant information on a card.
Export a list of News Feed cards, each of which will include its name and card API identifier.
Return a paginated lists of product IDs.
Return the total number of purchases in your app over a time range.
Return the total money spent in your app over a time range.
Export a list of segments, each of which will include its name, Segment API identifier, and whether it has analytics tracking enabled.
Retrieve a daily series of the estimated size of a segment over time.
Retrieve relevant information on a segment.
Retrieve a series of the number of sessions for your app over a designated time period.
Export all users within a Global Control Group.
Export data from any user profile by specifying a user identifier.
Export all the users within a segment.
Update an iOS Live Activity.
Return a JSON list of information about scheduled campaigns and entry Canvases between now and a designated
specified in the request.
Cancel a message that you previously scheduled before it has been sent.
Cancel a Canvas message that you previously scheduled via API-triggered before it has been sent.
Cancel API-triggered campaign messages that you previously scheduled before it has been sent.
Schedule a campaign, Canvas, or other message to be sent at a designated time.
Send dashboard created campaign messages through API-triggered delivery.
Schedule Canvas messages through API-triggered delivery.
Update scheduled messages. This endpoint accepts updates to either the
or messages
parameter or both.
Update scheduled API-triggered campaigns created in the dashboard.
Update scheduled API-triggered Canvases that were created in the dashboard.
Create send IDs that can be used to send messages and track message performance programmatically, without campaign creation for each send.
Send immediate, one-off messages to designated users through the Braze API.
Send immediate, one-off transactional messages to a designated user.
Send immediate, one-off messages to designated users through API-triggered delivery. - Send Messages
Send Canvas messages through API-Triggered delivery. - Send Messages
Create a URL for a preference center.
List available preference centers.
View the details for your preference centers, including when it was created and updated.
Create a preference center to allow users to manage their notification preferences for email campaigns.
Update a preference center.
Pull a list of phone numbers that have been deemed "invalid" within a certain time frame.
Remove "invalid" phone numbers from the invalid list in Braze. This can be used to re-validate phone numbers after they have been marked as invalid.
Get the subscription state of a user in a subscription group.
List and get the subscription groups of a certain user.
Batch update the subscription state of up to 50 users on the Braze dashboard.
Batch update the subscription state of up to 50 users on the Braze dashboard.
List your existing Content Blocks information.
Call information for your existing email Content Block.
Create an email Content Block.
Update an email Content Block.
Get a list of available email templates in your Braze account.
Get information on your email templates.
Create email templates on the Braze dashboard.
Update email templates on the Braze dashboard.
Remove your users' old deprecated external IDs.
Rename your users' external IDs.
Add new user aliases for existing identified users, or to create new unidentified users.
Delete any user profile by specifying a known user identifier.
Identify an unidentified (alias-only) user.
Record custom events, purchases, and update user profile attributes.
Update existing user alias names to new user alias names.
Merge a user profile into another user.
Permanently delete an existing dashboard user.
Look up an existing dashboard user account by specifying their email.
Look up an existing dashboard user account by specifying their resource ID.
Create a new dashboard user account by specifying email, given and family names, permissions (for setting permissions at the company, workspace, and team level).
Update an existing dashboard user account by specifying email, given and family names, permissions (for setting permissions at the company, workspace, and team level).
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